
Yeah, you know, because you can't ever do both at the same time. Or do one after the other. It must be a sad life for you if you always have to talk to a girl for every single second of your life.

Actually I went to a good school, where they encouraged students to do this, and appreciated it when we could help improve the security instead of a malicious attacker doing it and stealing information or really bringing it down.

No it's just not 40000 big and doesn't have writers at major publications attending it..

Go get a job at a Veterans Hospital before residency, it doesn't matter what the job title is. Buddy up with the people who can offer assistance to college students. They will make you sign a contract that says you will work for them for x years after graduating but this is a good thing for you. They will pay a lot

The difference between my school and this school? (besides having only 4000 students)

Yup make a filter to block all school then when the school sends out an important message you can't get it.

It's a sweet looking little car that doesn't actually look like anything out there (yeah maybe a few elements here and there, but nothing in this segment. Also look at those windows!)

I wish, I get data in the city (indy) but pandora dies on me before I get home. 64gig hard drive though means I just play off the hard drive when I don't have data.

This is why your going to start seeing more android/ios powered car stereos. I am mounting my tablet in my car for this exact reason. They are much better at being computers, can gather all the data I want from the computer, are pretty good media players, and they do all of this remotely. Mine will even have

You should use them if your moving slower than other traffic.

Why would you want a Wii Mini? It's not like a portable system where smaller is better, it stays in one place. It just goes in your media cabinet or on the floor or whatever and then you forget about it because it's a Wii...

You have to remember that original Trek standards for supercomputer were to never ask it a question it couldn't answer because it will get stuck in a loop and explode.

I'm 6'1" and I fit fine same with my dad whose 6'5".

That baby looks a gummy sour guy.

Man your going to hate having a job. BTW it's not rude to go up to someone and ask for their attention..

Settlers of Catan, which has won several game of the year awards. Truly a fantastic game.

Right, because we knew that the use of CFC's would have such an impact on a global scale.

Yup, there are no more high speed pursuits for this exact reason. If someone is running 100+ you don't need to endanger yourself by chasing them, just radio the license plate/car and the next county over will get them.

We've been able to buy them here in specialty stores...I don't think they were actually banned in all the US, just hard to find.