I am here for Zac Efron’s “hot phase.” Damn.
I am here for Zac Efron’s “hot phase.” Damn.
“this is merely the fourth time in her tenure as a royal”
I don’t even care how ridiculous it is. I will never tire of John Hodgman’s shtick.
Fighting pits? More like snake pits! Snake pits? More like sand snake pits!
Still, his performance in The Fault in Our Stars wasn’t half-bad.
ALL OF THESE NAMES! who are these people! why am i so old! where did i put my glasses!
whatevs, guys. i still think he is adorable.
Memes motherfucker! YOU CAN'T STOP THE TRAIN.
NO. NO. You can binge watch all the time. It's NOT SPECIAL.
The more details that come out about Jenji Kohan's witch drama The Devil You Know, the better it sounds. Among those…
It sounds like, either way, you run a legitimate risk of ending up exhausted and cleaning up poop. Damned if you do, dammed if you don't.
yo, big wangs hurt. Like, I can feel it in my uterus and that is just so wrong. Get out of my no man's land, wang. do. not. want.
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
Tangentially related (ie, speaking of Costume Porn) -
if missy says climate change is real, climate change is R.E.AL.