This is exactly my thinking as well. I was not at all surprised to see that these two men come from Sweden. There are selfish, conservative assholes there, but on the whole that is a nation that values society and community.
This is exactly my thinking as well. I was not at all surprised to see that these two men come from Sweden. There are selfish, conservative assholes there, but on the whole that is a nation that values society and community.
In the dark. As they rode by. They see the activity behind the dumpster. Something seems wrong about it to them. They turn back to investigate. They intervene. They call for help. They hold the perpetrator until the authorities arrive. They provide eyewitness testimony. They don’t seek the limelight, in fact they shun…
These beautiful, brave men. words can’t express. I can’t stop thinking about where she wouldve ended up had they not stopped. I will make sure we laud these 2 as heros to my little son and daughter when they are old enough to hear the account. I love these men. thank you, swedes on bicycles.
I don’t mind people saying things like that jokingly, but otherwise it feels like benevolent sexism. We need equality, not to be put on pedestals.
Nah. I posted this elsewhere, but 1.) I hate when women are referred to as one monolithic group, even if it’s purportedly positive, and 2.) elevating either gender above the other just hurts both genders.
I really hate when guys try to prove they support women by saying that “women are better than men.” No. Just no. Women are not a monolith- some women are awesome, some suck, lots are in between. Don’t talk about us like we’re all the same, and don’t elevate either gender above the other.
Do they have one for “Bus Stop Masturbators”?
I actually wonder if his real name is Chad or if the producers saw him and were like, “what’s your name? Joe? Nah, you’re Chad now.”
Why do people on this website hate so hard on people’s faith? Specifically the Christian faith? Any story that mentions God in the slightest is met with comments about “imaginary friends” or “sky daddies.” So fucking disrespectful. I know there are a ton of shitty “Christians,” but this lady has shown no indication…
“You’re just funny, there’s so many different sides of you,” Jojo responded, calling him “mysterious.” She doubled down Tuesday, writing in her blog about the episode that “Chad is a complex guy with complex emotions.”
It makes me so happy that things seem to have turned out OK for Britney in the end. There’s hope for you yet, Lohan.
Poop, Ansel. You are the poop emoji. Everyone knows this. You don’t need to bother asking.
“Phelps managed to be shirtless.”
Do you guys just look for an excuse to be snarky? Michael Phelps, as ridiculous as he is, is probably shirtless because he’s practicing skin to skin contact with his child, something that promotes intimacy with fathers and their babies. Christ.
I can’t say that I thought hilarious was a great word choice.
He was on the dating game. Can you imagine both of them on the panel. “Yes, Jim, I’ve made my choice. I want to go out and have a romantic dinner with the mic stand”
I went to one of the co-founders instagram accounts earlier today and his latest picture is him shaking hands with the Pope and all the comments are “i hate you for ruining my instagram feed”. It’s kind of amazing.
Would you care to substantiate this statement, please: