"You can watch the full speech here."
"You can watch the full speech here."
Well, when you've been hit with *bird* shot, you obviously can't go to a place that serves burgers...
I really don't think this would look anywhere near as bad without the crowbarred wisecracks telling me what I'm supposed to think between every paragraph. I'm struggling to find anything wrong with this, and I'm not even a Jack White fan.
Their purring helps relieve stress, keeps blood pressure down. I'm betting there were a few cats.
Due to gerrymandering, Iceland and Beverly Hills are now in same voting district
Worst (or best) Boston Cream Pie ever...depending on who you ask.
I share both your approximate geography and your overall incredulity. And the dad thing (two under two, one under one (yes I can confirm that I have done sex)). As a non-native of this whole Southland area, it absolutely boggles the fucking mind to see how many people are so dismissive of basic tenets of modern…
I disagree. The same rules apply as with any other insurance: only insure costs that would be catastrophic to you. If something is likely to happen then save up for it outside of insurance. You'll come out ahead this way, since insurers do turn a profit from your premiums.
One correction, IMO. Krakauer is NOT a reporter. He is a fucking journalist, in the true sense of the word.
I picture it differently:
Yet another German with a terrible sense of humor.
There's a new gym opening closer to me soon and it is supposed to have awesome bouldering. I don't know what the top rope situation will be. Hoping for the best.
I picked it up maybe two years ago but really started getting into it when my buddy was introduced maybe 16 months ago. He's gone insane about the sport.
I love bouldering...it's like a mini-mission while top roping is almost a quest haha. How long have you been climbing and what are you working on level-wise?
I was at a street festival on a brisk day and I turned to a bearded guy in plaid and started chatting him up before I realized it was not, in fact my SO. My SO saw and laughed, realizing immediately from my surprise that I, like a 5-year-old, think all bearded men in plaid look alike.
Silly costumes, imperial wizards, and warring factions... are we sure the KKK isn't just redneck LARPing with black people playing the part of orcs?