
The show is known in my household as "Boobies and dragons." I'm told there is some kind of plot thing happening as well but it seems overly complicated.

Now send her in to clean up the Congress.

I've always referred to myself as the Knave of all trades, Jack of none. Keeps the expectations realistic. I still get tapped for every odd job out there, and usually accomplish them just fine.

Any word on the number of cats she owned?

This might be the only DVD I have ever worn out.

Thank you!

Wouldn't this just increase the likelihood of injury while performing the mechanical tasks while your mind wanders? If I'm not mistaken, the majority of accidents happen during the typical lulls of the average person's circadian rhythm.

I know it fucks the heart rates of the mice in my garage that eat it. Three cheers for science.

this warfarin?

That's because employees aren't people. They are just faceless minion to create the wealth that needs to collect upwards. If one breaks, you throw it away and get another one from the shelf.

As much as I loved Super Dave, I struggled through the movie. So many failed jokes. It wasn't even bad enough to be good again. Poor SDO.

I expected there to be a small reservoir and pump so the workings can be flushed/sterilized after use.

Thanks! Best of luck in the new digs!

That's pretty much what I've been doing, ya. Getting the feet right has been problematic. Of course having the grip strength when I need it is sometimes a trial, but usually it's just crappy positioning that peels me off the wall. I'm lucky enough that the gym has 50' walls to play on and a couple of autobelays so

Someone out there is brain tanning a lot of human hides.

If you need to make a larger hole I'd recommend using something like this:

I dabbled in it years ago (15+ years ago, yes ouch now) and restarted last year. Now I'm trying to get into 5.11 from struggling with 5.10+. I hope to get there in a couple of months, but my technique is really needing refinement. So many bad habits to break & replace.

I totally agree. Climbing is practically a video game in the gym, you have to form a PUG to go top-roping if you don't have a guildmate with you or just solo bouldering (grinding for XP). I'm doing much the same thing trying to unlock my next level up.

She better be praying for the new testament Christian god, not the old testament version.