
Exactly, precisely, excruciatingly this Goddess.

Precisely. He's too good to throw out for the sake of a tantrum. I shall take my time and recover and one day be grateful I'm sure

Amen to “a bit less shit” for the years to come. A friend of mine says “You are strong like a lion, and I’m mad as hell that you ever had to be.” Here’s to ease and peace, somewhen.

Oh my dear, I am with you too. The relentlessness of the last year-and-a-bit is something else isn’t it? I’m so pleased you have a best friend with whom to weather this storm; and I am very impressed that you’ve managed to still find delight and comfort in one another in spite of it all.

It’s such a complicated thing. I’ve made no declarations or commitments, neither has he. Both of us have alluded to “the apps” (although, on my part, they were always less than half-hearted.)

Cardamom is a fantastic idea...I am obsessed with putting it in a loaf cake with pears and maple syrup. Suddenly creative food shit becomes slightly enticing again!

Also Also, rhubarb stewed with orange, ginger and vanilla is delicious and freezes nicely for a defrosted taste of summer when the skies are dark and the weather cools

Also, I am so so sorry to hear about your big goodbye this week. Goodbyes are so important and so hard. If nothing else, to have loved and been loved is part of that kitty’s story and what a lucky soul to be able to say so. Big comfort vibes to you my dear

Those Aliums are heavenly and I made a banana bread which is the most adventurous thing I’ve produced in what feels like nine thousand years

I sincerely hope the meds do their job, and the SNS provides diversion for you. Surgery is rough...wishing you a miraculous recovery

Hi all...long time no squeak. I feel horrible for not having checked in for so long, I have lurked and missed you all.

I’m sorry healthcare costs you mega bucks. I'm happy the fang can no longer torment you. Wishing you speedy healing.

From the person who ate 4 generous servings of pho for dinner (then several profiteroles) : do not ask forgiveness.

Hugs to you too.

Thanks, doing pretty well these days. Happily divorced and totally missed my wedding and divorce anniversaries this year which made me chuckle. Those dates no longer hold nay significance for me.

Yup. Often people ask me some version of “But you’re smart, you’re intuitive, you pay attention and you know bout feminism and boundaries and shit, how did YOU end up the victim of domestic violence?”

My rule is: if he doesn’t have one of these by the sink then

Apparently this means blowjob and I feel old

No Ma’am. I am not trained or qualified for that at all. Hope you can notice the light returning (we’re over a month past solstice now!) and that it carries you through the bitter cold for as long as it lasts

Fantastic news! I’m a year and a bit post-divorce-from-abusive-ex-husband and I can tell you it gets better and better. Congrats on the summer job.
It may feel weird to be celebrating good things while the world is on fire, it felt weird to me when I had good news. If this is the case then please give yourself a