
No way, man. It’s fantastic. And having to account for Noctis’s clunky sliding is what makes it so satisfying when you finally beat it.

Although some of the folks behind Destiny 2 might crave more time to add content and beef up the game, here’s an interesting bit of news to consider: If Bungie misses this year for Destiny 2, Activision is awarded a hefty chunk of the independent studio’s stock, according to two sources familiar with goings-on at

Space farts

I did read somerandomone’s response and it indeed did prove that I was wrong, women actually have more lawful rights then men, so I apologies for my ignorance on that subject.

you revert to name calling due to your lack of education. Knowing that everything you’ve been blabbering about is null and void. You fail to enlighten because you don’t know what the fuck your taking about. You look like just another stupid angry cunt just blabbering on and on. If you have something to say then say

I’m not being obtuse. I’m just going by what you’re saying. The fact is, your husband can be by your side on a topic without having to literally be by your side at a march for something you supposedly believe strongly in, albeit not quite strongly enough to adamantly act on it without his physical presence, which is

And fucking over home buyers how??? You do know that if Obama was in office the FHA had planned for the incentives to be raised anyway. Trump or not this change was coming. Trump just put in effect before the 27th. So please stop blaming him for shit that was already on the table before his presidency.

First off your an idiot. Plain and simple. You complain about the aftermath knowing that trump was going to act on day one. Your stupidity in this matter is astonishing. What, did you think he was all talk? Did you not have contengecy plans? Or are you used to presidents not acting on anything at all... you thought

If I’m being “willfully ignorant” of anything it was that I thought someone on this board could actually answer a few simple questions.

What’s going on? I didn’t even read the fucking article but I’ll tell you what’s going on.

The Type R is just way too much of everything. Too much money. Too much torque steer. Too much styling. Too much noise. Too much fuel.

yep... that seems EXACTLY what this game is going for with the fishing, driving, overly done animations and a shiny gloss to everything. This is what happens when you dont know what you want to make and do it for 10 years.

Easy. Your country is full of terrified, racist, sexist assholes.

But, hey, it does have a headphones jack.

Joe “Motherfuckin” Biden

Lotta 70s vibes with this one...needs more woodgrain, though.

Can you not post articles about this wanker please? It only heightens his profile even further. Thank you.

I don’t understand the point of this article, if it is not to just poke fun/attack a news host on a station the author does not agree with.

The Replacements called this in 1990...

The best soundbar is NO soundbar, I mean it's all promoted content but at least save some of your dignity.

The best soundbar is NO soundbar, I mean it's all promoted content but at least save some of your dignity.