
Does it blend?

Ummm.. I can understand art but this looks extremely bad.

There really needs to be a Trump wig.

He’s a real piece of shit. Joke or not, he did what he did and he deserves to loose everything. Too harsh? No, fuck him. The idiot might not be racist but, putting that wording in people’s minds really gets the job done. Here we go another idiot to just add fuel to the fire...

Desitny isn’t really an MMO.

Really? So Iceman has no mental blocks anymore due to Emma taking over his body? Oh man.... do you know which xmen comic it was?

Odd article. please name one network that can’t be DoS, spoofed, nuked that is connected to the internet. Or any network that is broadcasting. Republicans and Democrats both don’t know what the fuck their doing or taking about.

Paid by: George Soros

Thanks, Trump.

Yeah. Dow hit 20,000 I hardly call that destroying America.

Damn. There’s no way I can give you unlimited stars. You took the words right out of my brain.

I’ll leave you with this. I’m a happily married man with an awesome wife. We trust each other and we support each others needs and goals. What we don’t do is put each other on blast. It’s highly disrespectful and it’s wrong. It’s doesn’t take a genius to figure out why he doesn’t support you. You need to seek help

Wow... No. the world you live in is all about chaos and disrespect. You as a wife should be ashamed of putting your husband on blast. That’s between you and your husband... not your husband and Jezebel commenters. You have issues lady that are beyond your protest problems.

your march is none of my concern. You want to protest that’s fine. Good for you. But let’s be honest here. Do you really think it matters? If what your saying is true about Trump do you really think your message is getting out? Do you know the purpose of sending a message? It’s just like typing this comment. We talk

And if you read the article that was on the table before Trump hit office. Please read before commenting. It makes you look bad.

Clearly your the one that’s misinformed. And Stone is correct. Not all Americans are effected by what’s going on with home purchasing. It’s not nationwide. Please do your research.

Moving Forward...

You don’t even need to click on the article. The fucking photo has people fucking right on

Well, no shit....

Anyone with the amount of money that he has can do that. Look at George Soros and how he feels about America.