
And the same goes for Hillary. Her supporters don’t care. Hell, it kept her out of office.

Celebrating a little bit to early. Just like the ole saying goes, It’s not over until the fat lady sings.

Can’t argue with that lol.

Big deal. 40k weirdos gone.

YESSSS!!!! This is great! Now all I need is for the Bears to follow.

I’d pay money to see coyote take a bite from this.

From time to time I come to cosplay to see what’s new. But, I really start to hulk up when you guys bring topics up like this. I see a person that’s modeling, looking fantastic, maybe someone that should be in the career of modeling. That’s what I see. Color is the very last thing on my list, and if I see color it’s

Newt Hulked up! I’m not a fan of Trump but he has a point. Everyone is being distracted.

Hero of the day.

Do we have a clock for Hillary’s crazy ass? Love the Trump clock.

Yeah.... This broad is definitely GS...

The Switch definitely has a 90's feel to it. But, I was really hoping for something revolutionary in the department of hardware and not a Wii U controller that turns into a console.

I wish Bill Cosby ran for president.

Naa, not Broly at all. Broly’s aura was green and he was also pretty buff. So this isn’t Broly’s LSSJ at all. Trunks version is more improved, he’s leaner due to the transformation and his aura is mixed with god and something else. Broly only wishes he was as strong as Trunks.

Here we go again. Gawker on their fucking high horse again.

What’s the big deal. He’s telling you to get the F* out or you might possibly die.

Yeah, now that’s pretty gay. A little more color though.

Lucky is a piece of shit. I bet he’s drinking a lot of scotch right now...

If you can launch nukes I’m totally down for this.