
I might purchase Strunk and White’s Elements of Style for them, in a pointed manner.

The fact that it is in Ye Olde English font makes the grammatical errors that much worse. Like, if you are going to use a fancy-arse font, also use spell check.

We don’t do showers in the UK; they’re viewed as grasping and tacky. But if I got an invitation stating no boxed gifts, my gift would be lots of tupperware boxes, individually wrapped.

Duuuude, we are fast approaching that terrifying event-horizon at which “The Handmaid’s Tale” becomes nonfiction....

It’s almost as though the state of Georgia thinks it owns this woman’s body.

Miley why are you making me like you, GRRR

He doesn’t give a fuck.

You look bold to me. Anyhoo, I’ve always been “in the grays.” I always figured it was because I wasn’t snarky enough because I do not believe I have ever criticized the site. Luckily I don’t give a fig.

Welcome to the greys! Where nobody kisses anyone’s ass.

I’m still in the greys and I haven’t made any jokes (maybe that’s the problem...)

I’d rather watch a reality show about the production crew working on an insane reality show.

So why isn’t somebody with more juice than Louis CK coming out about this? If it’s that well known, Seinfeld, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, etc. could do something about it.

a long-ago episode of the Crocodile Hunter

Great. Another way for the police to selectively arrest minorities.

So you’re just fine with women being paraded on leashes like dogs in public with no reason or explanation, without even the ostensible purpose of her getting off? That’s BETTER to you?

“But that’s on me”

How is it on you? What about consent?

they made it everybody’s business by trotting it out in public. You can’t, say, whip your cock out in a bar and when you’re arrested say “what I do with MY penis is MY business”.

Uh-uh they brought it into the public arena which made it everyone else’s business. And why should it be on you to explain the behavior of narcissistic morons to a child? What are we supposed to do, avert our eyes? They are just obnoxious people with no self-awareness.