
I think she’s in on the joke. And I will choose to believe that even if it’s not true.

Second hand embarrassment is my kryptonite. I won’t watch it!

I don’t think I can watch this. Oh, Christ.

Only a bible-thumper would think we are clay and dirt. We’re carbon and water, dude.

YAAAAAAAAAAAS! As soon as you have scientific proof of your belief, then we can discuss if it is appropriate to legislate based on that scientifically backed belief of yours. Otherwise you do you, and GTFO and let me do me.

They could have called her doctor's office. Most docs are on call. But stranding someone with a series medical condition away from home wasn't the way to go.

oh my god the next year and a half is going to be so annoying

I have the hardest time believing that this video is real because WHY WAS HE RECORDING THOSE SITUPS? Why?

Aaaaand on top of this, there's a bunch of bullshit happening with the oil industry here, which isn't exempted from the water restrictions. We're so fucked.

A “peak” or a “peek,” dear Judy?

Correct me if my math is wrong, but wouldn’t she only be 70 now? It’s totally feasible that she is alive to this day and, if so, it makes me so uncomfortable that someone decided to turn this into an exhibit without Margret’s consent.

This woman’s photo and name, posted for all to see...including intimate can Jezebel commenters not be outraged? When this is done today, it’s called revenge porn. Since it was found and put up in an art exhibit, it’s somehow seen as art. This woman could be alive now, or at least some people she knew

His wife had to apologize to Margret? Good grief.

Conspiracy theory: no actual affair. That hair is way too high and organized to be post-sex hair.

Perhaps someone in drag, or perhaps just Grandma got a little overzealous with the blue eyeshadow?

I'm sorry you went through that. =/

If you can, have somewhere (like an app or filed paper) where you can keep the passwords for yourself in the event of an emergency.

A glitter-eyeshadow fixative like Fyrrinae's Pixie Epoxy would probably work, or hell — a lot of people use glue stick (topped with concealer etc) when "erasing" their brows for some dramatic purpose. I bet that would work. I'd probably go with heavily painting/coating them with something like MUFE Aqua Cream and

I know that is why they are being taxed, but the quoted portion of the article points out that people who are on food stamps/low-income buy these items because they are cheap. I realize now that my wording was unclear, and it looks like the phrase "specifically because they are cheap" is about the tax, not about