Regardless, I think we can all agree: my caller was wrong and couldn’t do basic math.
Regardless, I think we can all agree: my caller was wrong and couldn’t do basic math.
I can guarantee you, opening with that makes anyone in tech support love you. The only thing we love more than that is hearing “Don’t worry about talking to me; just fix it and let me know. Take all the time you need”.
Not even commercial routers can broadcast effectively at 500 ft without the use of repeaters.
It fucks with my head when I eat some pickles and then remind myself that tasty pickle used to be a cucumber.
Definitely. I was corrected by my daughter when she was four that “It’s not a kitten. It’s a baby cat!” Which I still use to this day. But then she gave me this look when I asked about baby dogs and she goes “That’s just silly”
Omfg yes. I needed this. Had a woman call in screaming about her wireless cable box not working. I ask her how far her modem is from her box and she goes (in a super redneck voice) “LISTEN, mah house is lahk...2,500 SQUARE FEET, OKAAY?!” So I ask again and she responds with “500 feet!”
I...I can’t...I just...what? How? Why?
I'm wrapped up in approximately forty seven blankets right now (Fuck you, I'm always cold) and the idea of biting the damn ice cream was enough to make convulse in a fit of goosebumps. My teeth are aching now. I HATE biting into ice cream. Fuck biting into ice cream. And if you can, you're a weirdo. Brr.
So...some people don't eat it like that?
I get the 11 pm on weeknights. It makes sense-ish.
Cheap, convenient, and open longer hours than most restaurants.
You know what is utter bullshit about all the Taco Bell locations in San Antonio? They close at 11pm on weekdays and midnight on weekends. If I decide the only thing that will satisfy my nomless tummy at 2 am is Taco Bell, then I should be able to!
Just...Fuck this. People in the food industry deal with too much BS as is.
Thank God this is here. I'm in training and not taking calls right now, but I had some terrible calls last night.
Clearly, Mark is totes the best choice. Spitting image.
My call center is surprisingly nerdy, and I still get a lot of "Wow, you're really nerdy" and I get confused by it. I don't play board games, I haven't thrown down on a console game in months because work, I don't do D&D, I don't write code or program, my only online presence is this site, I don't read comics. I can…
Reminds me of a call I took...guy was trying to troll me and I wasn't responding. Asks if I prefer Star Trek or Star Wars. I respond with Star Trek (I like both, shove it) and he goes "...huh. You don't sound like you're four hundred pounds"
Hate to be THAT GUY but you're totes missing about four hundred and and thirty two "eu" combinations from the guy's name.
See, that's logical to me. You deal with people face-to-face? Dress the part. Look like you care about the way you present yourself. Call centers, though? These people don't know if I'm wearing my favorite Vera Wang shirt, nor do they care (well, one guy who calls in cares, but women are under strict orders to…
I have to dress business casual. It's a call center, but we have to look nice. I hate putting on dress pants and blouses. And makeup. Jesus tapdancing Christ.