
But think. While you're telling those people that, you can take pleasure in them not knowing you're in your underwear or doing something gross like cleaning the bathtub. Or pooping.

You lucky sonofabitch.

I get calls from internal departments, customers, and the occasional tech in the field trying to circumvent policy and procedure. Mostly customers, though.

Yeah. I've had that happen. Woman casually mentions that half her house had no power...and her modem was in that half.

Also, you'd be surprised at the number of times we make the mistake of assuming our caller knows that the wireless box must still have a power cord running to an outlet and another cord running to the TV.

I could go on for hours, with just calls I've taken.

I've had that. Hour long call with a woman including the problem was outside, I told her it was inside. She exclaimed she wouldn't have a free day until October to be home, that she works 16 hour days, etc.

Yes. That actually happened, unfortunately.

Best boss I ever had was when I was working for a bank.

I thought it was Dark Dull Green Color in Place Things With Leaves Grow In Eatery?


I worked at a bank while pregnant. I was a teller, so I was standing for eight hours a day. They gave me a stool to sit on, but I'm short, the counters were high, and the chair was high. So I stood.

My mother had suffered with PTSD for the past twentyplus years, but it was only recently diagnosed as such. She taught herself how to deal with her Bad Thoughts over those twentyplus years. Unfortunately, while slowly learning how to overcome her occasional bouts of intense panic, she inadvertently taught me that when

Of course this is in St. Louis.

I accidentally spent three years of my life there.

Sounds like how my daughter's father got me to agree to marry him.

/sputters incoherently

This is exactly why I don't go out, and refused to go out with my daughter when she was younger.

They're little shits, is what they are.

I gush when I hear him talk. Like, so much.