
Neutral: Can We Drive Our Way Out Of Our Problems? Or is Bill Ford right? Do we need multiple transit solutions? What should those be?

You just perfectly stated why the dealership model is so flawed.

I've never been a fan of the Enzo's looks. This on the other hand is amazing. WANTWANTWANTWANT.

There are two videos from two cameras. The one that has been out for a while is from outside the elevator and only shows the aftermath: Rice dragging his wife's unconcious body from the elevator. Since it didn't show the actual assault the narrative the Rice defenders went with was "She attacked him first and he then

Come on, basic reading comprehension. The article is about separating wagons from hatchbacks. From the article I linked to:

There are cars where the wagon/estate/break version looks like an afterthought, an 'oh shit people need something to stuff their dog in' last-minute design addendum.

Because transporting it by helicopter gets places like Jalopnik to write an article about how they transported it by helicopter and Jaguar gets lots of free advertising.

This. Which is somewhat ironic because if you look at it from an objective point of view it's still great value for money compared to most of the European sports cars but people won't pay that much for an American car. The C7 basically killed it. As cool as the V10 is they need to make a V8 version and sell it for

Oof. +1

It's refreshing to see an engine not completely covered by a plastic cover

The CP is strong with this one.

Rally spectators seem to be the least danger-adverse spectators. I think they're missing a section of their brains.

I don't have a problem with this. How much time does this really add to your trip, a couple minutes at most? The speed limit isn't set artificially low just to generate revenue it's set low for a specific reason like a school zone is.

Ford is way ahead of you.

If I had Seinfeld's money and that car I wouldn't let an insurance company anywhere near it.