They are yellow.
They are yellow.
You sound like a religious prude when you call soap operas softcore porn. The only studies I could find about parental concerns were dating back to 2004, but the majority of adults think sex is more concerning then violence on tv; Even though violence has exploded since the 90s on tv. Don't you think it's odd?…
That's a nice avatar you got there.
Rules are rules and everyone has to abide by them? Funny you should say that. Jamie Dimon. Oh? You don't want implicit thievery? How about that silly state Colorado selling weed. Seems to me rules are being ignored wholesale. "But they created an exception to the federal law?" Unfortunately States can't just create…
Go tell Georgia Okeeffe it's not what's physically there but how you feel. Then ask Ojltheunseen about her and see if they change their tune.
Vaer is a religious bigot, I wouldn't pay him any heed. He has been grandstanding this entire thread without using any sources and refuting other people's sources. Literally, bang your head on the wall lunacy. I think if I were to sit in a comatose state in the hospital you would have a better time arguing with me.
Not sure why you find it funny, he is stating facts. Americans have a penchant for violence and an aversion for sexuality. Look at the fool Vaer, he is doing a good job showing the rest of us how ignorant americans can't stand sexuality.
I was thinking motherhood as a positive gender role, unless you know some negative connotations people have of it.
Yes, i agree that benefits would need to be abolished as well if we were to create equality; But do we see the discrepancy and help (minority scholarships, quotas) or say suck it up until it gradually…
Roughly 11 million were killed. Most people remember 6 million because it was how many jewish people died. Stalin killed roughly the same if not more. I wasn't implying malice on your part. I too was taught 6 million over and over again in school, when it was not the case, i like to make a point of what it actually…
That sounds mildly familiar, does it have Danny Devito in it? Or am i thinking of something else?
But i think the problem is with that term you used: Dysfunctional. It's good to say we want positive gender roles to stay intact and the negatives ones to vanish; But who gets to decide on the virtue of these roles? Not to get too heady here, but i was miffed because of what happened with me:
Hold the door open (…
Alright, I capitulate.
Justin Beiber does not have the largest fan base, does not make the most money, does not have the most concerts or any top spot for that matter. Why would you pick him as your example?
I don't watch sports, it's just you mentioned pacing. I would imagine it goes like- basketball>hockey>soccer>football>baseball>cricket
Regardless if you like the sport or not, some are faster paced then others.
Now you made me sad mothman, I don't know if you really think i'm retarded or if you are still playing around :(
Can i be a child bearer? I know us men have gender roles to play out but i really want to give birth. Does that make all other men that don't want to birth a child sexist relics that are only fueling sexism?
Using a term denotes skewed perspectives? Rather big assumptions you're making. Then you go on to assume she is talking about Anita, oh wait, you assumed she was a guy too. Man, all these assumptions are killing me.
Don't be so critical- 1) They probably don't like her and calling here a feminazi ( although a large…
I can't imagine how that is the most bothersome thing in your entire life. It is absolutely shocking to know that you revealed the most troubling idea and that people can then abuse that knowledge.
You do realize that Nazis killed double that number? Or jewish people are the only ones that count? Right? Screw the other 6 million people... Sigh...
Alred, I feel for you: To try to bring light to this hideous place and using logic... That is problematic.
The Cap'n needed to attack Radlostate and extrapolating pure crap from what he actually said was the only way they could attack him. You chime in and said, actually that's not what was said, but alas, it was too…