Idriz Miftari

I apologize, I read into things and make grand assumptions. I was thinking you were from Seattle sipping tea as an agnostic new age graphic designer. A youngling with an unconscious ethnocentric Merica mentality. Soft spoken but with strong ideologies. As you said, reading your comments verbatim it does not include

Did you kill a piece of bread just for proof? :(

Faux feminists like to yell at anything. They are quick to anger and care never to explore the situation.They should make a disney movie where one of these fauminists joins up with a person from PETA and try to destroy the world. We can make it as PC as possible by having a group composed of: Asian christian boy,

The holy grail has already been made. Startopia is the greatest game ever made. They only made half the game and even still it is the greatest game on earth. It had a billion bugs. But it still was the greatest game to have ever been made. The developers could have been communist nazi terrorists and it still would

They have a larger pool of artists who are paid vastly less money. Their production will always have a higher value then our production at the same cost. My professor used to send his photographs to be painted in china. They have the skill and are 1/10th the price. They have an industry, we have a cottage industry.

So others don't like someone's fake character, they must not understand? The people defending francis sound sillier then the ones not liking him.
-Hate his character even though it's an act
-Thinks his fake char is annoying
Team Francis
-You make less money then him, don't judge
-His crap is too high brow for


I will punch you in the liver.

That gif and comment combo is glorious.

The majority of humanity is uncritical, apathetic and self-serving. It is far too tiresome to explain why people are bigoted when they show that much unproven nationalism. But I commend you for trying to open their filthy eyes.

The new XCOM doesn't have basic crap, XCOM underwater edition was better, and they literally copy pasted the original xcom and added blue and replaced lasers with crappy guass.

How dare you say Agarest is mediocre, you can bang Fyuria. In what game can you bang long-eared tsundere elves?

Isn't the whole point of troopers to be really bad sci-fi cheese? How can 3 be "too" bad. :(

It's too late for that, we need to burn the heretic korean jesus. FSM protect us all.


Everyone hates you... ZORO FOR LIFE!!!!

Now now, I wanted to be civil with you. And here you go trying to stir things up...
1) You are a bitter person, an ageist at that, but if your condescending only goes so far as COD and the wonderful but so painful to read 'final word': Thanks for telling us what boobs are for. ZING! (You got them good on that one.) As

1) Women will ( and always will) have more style and diversity in games. Your complete lack of acknowledgement is so painful it makes any critical reader clutch their sides in a reenactment of a slow death from your double talk. Male hero - grizzly hardened alpha male. Tell me how many games you play a flamboyant gay

It's the first time hearing about these micro jobs, I was reading up on the mturk thing to get a good grasp on it. Not that I will use it, but I like to know how things work. When you say micro programmers, I can't imagine projects being so small that they would need a person to spend half an hour on coding. Is there

That 'never forged' comment was meant for the others, not you per say... And I'm not the clearest in my arguments, but yes, I suppose I was going for sub par weapons more then replica. I would imaging smithing is a rather expensive hobby?