Idriz Miftari

Assumption: I was talking about you when I mentioned americans. Check. Assumption 2: Game design is based on logic. Check
If you saw me beating a black man next to a burning cross on his lawn, while I was dressed in white bed sheets, I'm pretty sure you aren't going to ask for clarification. Could it be a reenactment?

Outgrown what? Ageism? Besides being wrong, which everyone remarking about the girl's armor is, did anyone actually watch the video and see a dude with the same type of armor on? Funny how no one was pointing out him and how sexist it is that he was wearing that armor... I understand americans have a challenge when it

I love when white knights without fail generalize and straw man the other side to oblivion. I've played quite a bit of FPS, from beta CS to battlefield right now. I have an ambiguous name, I use my real name, idriz. I don't speak, and once or twice a year I'll have clan mates asking about my gender.

Just as someone

Mocking valid points definitely invalidates them, especially in list format:

Kotaku writes click bate- Not just Kotaku, every gawker site. This isn't a conspiracy, they do it out in the open.

Sexism happens in other media, stop paying attention to this. - No one actually makes that argument. We do wonder why you aren't

This entire argument, you've been keen on showcasing your ageism. I also found it amusing that the game lets you grope the woman, man and orc, and yet everyone only focused on the groped woman. Tunnel vision if I ever saw it.

I'm not talking about what bracket you fall in, mainly deductibles shoot through the roof for no reason if you are married. You are right though, not all couples stand to gain from marrying, but I would like to assume most do.

Marriage is logical, tax benefits. It would be silly to be together with someone for decades without having that benefit.

This is your first argument? Using statistics unfairly? Check. Shooting your mouth off because of it? Check. What if I were to tell you that 99% of gamers are girls from the study I did at an all girls school with students who played cradle?

Did you even look at the crap study that you posted? The largest segmented

I still want to rip your arms off, but now I want to shake your hands with them, thank you :(

What anime is that? Tell me or I'll rip your arms :(

1)You made a specific example inferring your theism. Never did I mention you believe in the bible, that comment you fabricated from the ether.

2) You are not trying that hard with me

3) You have anger issues. You continually espouse my inability to comprehend when there is no evidence to support that insult. If you

Typical irrational logic, hark on sexuality while showcasing your ageism. Nice...

You must hang out with a lot of idiots to use that insult as your finisher. I read everything, smirked at how simpletons like to derange logic for theism, and remarked on it.
Because you cannot see it yourself, let me ask: At what point were my insults derivatives of incomprehension? Or do you randomly insult people

You should change your name to Retardedtroll. Theists are all so quaint. The amount of mental gymnastics you fools need to rationalize religion is brutal to watch.

My art professors used to tell me: " If you don't look at other artists and the world around you, you are blinding yourself." A.K.A If you don't like to compete, then you aren't that interested in what you're going for. As it relates to the whole fighting thing: I am rather fond of fighting, not too motivated in all

Of course it matters that I gave my real name, that is the whole point of hiding online. I'm not trying to hide, I am as condescending here as I am in real life. White knighting exists most definitely in real life, not sure why you haven't had any experience with it. Just happened at my workplace two days ago:

Oh, so the coup de gras is an incorrect assumption about me, based on me remarking on you white knighting? The whole "internet anonymity shows peoples' true colors" argument doesn't count for me. You see my username: Idriz Miftari? That's my real name, I live on long island, a wholly destitute place full of nasty

It doesn't look like it tracks fast enough to him a moving target. :(

Let me speak for Gaus, since he can't write coherently. The funny thing is, he is right even though he can't argue; You can actually formulate an argument, not a good one, a terribly illogical one, but it reads as one nonetheless.

First, people with one leg are abnormal. He is not using slang, or a derogatory word for

I guess I can chime in since I'm a genius. Although written poorly, you words ring mostly true. Most americans are so illogical when it comes to sex in video games that I literally dry heave. I bought a separate apartment just to read video game sites, just in case I do get violently sick.

Just as you stated, when