This reminds me a million times more of Soldat then it does super smash bros.
Americans are apathetic to the world around them. Over a thousand dead in Bangladesh and no bleeding heart OnoSendal77 to ask for anything that might help. Only when it hits home must we panic and be alarmed. Of course, instead of being decent human beings, they attacked you because you said something inconvenient.…
It's not a joke FreeAsABird. Wake up. They are coming.
The lens flare can blind people. Blinded people cannot see costumed humans. It could be a dutch raccoon astronaut sitting in front of a blind human and the human will never know the difference. With that kind of power and manipulation, we could do serious harm to the human race.
What if a direct X9001 solar flare hits…
Sorry for Jason Pope, he is from Texas. You see, in the states, you have the retarded south, and then the civilized north east and California. That aside, most countries tend to cling to certain ideals to buffer that archaic thing we call nationalism. Unbeknownst to many in the states, nationalism isn't that great of…
Even better would be shadow of the colossus game with dinosaurs. I always thought shadow of the colossus was a pg version of god of war. They both love climbing on large guys.
Not all warriors dress is armor, there are many that fight naked/semi naked. You definitely can be naked in battle and survive.
Calm down, I just wanted to go hyperbole all over you, which I guess you can construe as strawmanning. Golden rule should be not to harm others. Yourself... I think is fine though.
So what you are saying is: Masochists are terrible people that should be shot in the head for being terrible citizens. That they are worse then the SS and that of the likes of Josef Mengele?
You have no idea what you are talking about. Hung men, or naked men are not sexualized like breasts or naked women are in society. I know you like to live in a world not our own, but in reality, women are sexual idols to both men and women. This has been studied and researched. Naked wizard chicks would be far more…
Although it was a wall of text, and a bit illogical, you heart was in the right place.
You can always spot the idiots when heavy handed tactics are used on and then defended by the same citizens. Waco, ruby ridge, BART and now Boston. It's as if stupid people are desperate to show their support for idiotic decisions.
My entire kingdom for an english lesson. I can always scapegoat and say english is my second language but it is a moot point. What was the mighty kingdom of Idriz is now a wasteland of sadness and shame.
Actually, I am never wrong. Star-raper is most definitely below me if he acquiesces to your assertion that he makes mistakes. The second statement you make is false as well. To say you cannot be in touch with everyone shows me your ignorance. It is not hard at all to imagine a proud person losing face and committing…
Fdisk, don't mind the idiots. Let me list them just to clarify.
thejakeman, BlackPen, Ryo, ClassicGammer89, Gingerllon, ouartfollo, commander keen, toxicbunnies, casmlth07, herogear, nlkochanr3, GenericScreenName, Dannflower, KH91, JB.
As for the nice people: Tehemall, lunarworks, JukeSkywalker.
As you can see, there…
That was surprising, you were being civil when I was being cantankerous. I am a practitioner of misanthropy, not a big fan of misandry and misogyny since, as you said it, it is rather narrow minded.
I think there is an undercurrent of indignation felt by male gamers when gender arguments come up in games. Already…
As long as you realize you spout the same drivel as he does and you know nothing of what society deems as a sex symbol and realize that a naked women is a sex symbol for both men and women. It's completely narrow minded and not fair. If you were a true misandrist, you would not be making such weak arguments.
Sex symbol for men is not the penis. Sexual symbols are the same for both men and women. They have done studies on this. A scantly clad woman is a sex symbol for both men and women, where as the only thing appealing when depicting a guy, is a built guy. Nothing else. Penis size/erected or not/ bottom half covered…
If your interest drops from F2P then I wonder how biased you are. There are a plethora of games that are F2P that are great games. If you really need to spend 50 dollars to make yourself like a game I wonder if that transitions over to other things in your life. Does a A.Lange & Sohne tell better time then a dollar…
Sorry, was away on a trip, An ad hominem would be him attacking you personally to discredit your argument. He is just plain insulting you without trying to argue.
Very much like if you were to call me an idiot versus calling me an idiot for believing your opposing view. I could be an idiot for all sorts of reasons:…