Idriz Miftari

You are missing a point in MMOs. My friend played a female character to get free crap from everyone.

His point was valid, the artist could have chosen any race in the game. You are summarily dismissing this point. Your reason? Unknown, you did not explain. His underlying message of demographics was also valid, although it was a bit sloppy the way he worded it.

Unfortunately I'm a haughty straight edge prick. I want to embrace people, but the only words that come out of my mouth are condescending insults. It's a tragedy of epic proportions. :(

As a cantankerous rageful person, I think it's a slap to the face to say being crass ruins your points. If a good point is to be had, why discredit it simply because of the delivery? I can say that same sentiment with: STOP BEING A GOD DAMN BIGOT, YOU NARROW MINDED HYPOCRITE. So then, must we dress up our insults and

As everyone else stated, trolls are everywhere. How you managed not to see them is amazing.

Go read my other reply to the guy who said "Oh god, not this argument again?" I'm well aware of how the game works, I'm probably better at it then most people here on kotaku. It's still a 1/3rd of a game. I can flip your statement and say anyone who doesn't think otherwise is an idiot.

Yes, the alcohol free age of 29, man, they really need to lower the age for drinking. 30 is just too high. You malign the point which is: people do silly things all the time for fun. Some do drugs, others drink, others harm themselves. Why one person gorging on food is stupid but someone bloating themselves with beer

You are wrong. Nihilist to the rescue. When nothing matters, nothing has a point, and there is no reason to do anything.

Ha ha, I just drank myself to a stupor with tons of alcohol, that's so amusing, ha ha.

To a horrible degree, no scener made a bid for it so some random house stepped in. Just like that starforce crap, too much trouble for any non computer person to handle, and that's what whole trick is. But if you wanted to, it's there, in a sloppy mess, it works, it's ugly, but it works.

My oh my, bandwagoning with people who are stupid as hell; Now that is something people go into dire straights to do. Quantity, apparently, is the only thing you look at when it comes to these discussions; Nothing else matters. Throw in inflation even!!! My oh my...

Calm down kid. What if he does hate them? To each his own. If someone were to kill your family member and make mittens out of them I would support him, would you be angry at that kind of mod job? In the end, some people like the source material too much to see any of it get modded. Not an ignorant or despicable thing

You are talking about yourself right?

Oh look, it's someone who is wholly incapable of using logic. Imagine that! Selling 1/3 rd of a game and being defended by internet denizens, how quaint.

They bill themselves as game journalists, him saying "giving them a pass" is appropriate. You are playing devils advocate. There is no assumption.

And when you say Shakespear you mean a special needs child that got shot in the head and is laying comatose in a hospital bed? They are all silly, why try to elevate one crap over another?

No, it's not okay.

Yeah because a lone voice complaining to a group of people sure constitutes circle jerking. Check. Because I don't grovel at people's feet and worship them, I must be self entitled. Check.

how out of the scene are you that you think pre-release cracks are still relevant today? It was cracked, it was way too much work for most people and they didn't want to continue it.

To be fair, his name is IrrationalBanana.