
all the neons go to my house to die.

Missed most of the video because of the ad. Fuck.

I totally thought Rolls Royce rally car.

And by "a couple," I mean "$2,800 worth."

I've seen this done before with bigger excavators and trucks, not quite like this though.

It was a blowout they had in '07.

Cute answer, enjoy your automatic.

Is your current car a manual or automatic?

Waste of time? Maybe, I mean, I enjoy chasing down parts and working on cars as my hobby, so I don't consider the time wasted. And the money, not really that either, since I always break even on the car I'm working on, even if I part it out to a shell.

I just did the math, I payed about $.45 a pound for my 15 passenger van.

Ah crap, I counted the runners wrong! Thanks for the correction.

I'm sold, bring on that Yamaha V-8.

A Hyundai, with their God-like warranty.

Oh God the over dubbing got me worse.

That weirdo finger point at :26 just about had me die laughing and I just woke my family up.

I could really use this in my van. The rear seats area reallllly far back.

I would think that's called kidnapping.

Although AWD would be nice, if it was diesel, it would sell like hot cakes.

The allpar rendering wasn't far off, but the real one is so much uglier.

If you decide to come through the Nation's Capitol, or Maryland, hit me up, I'd love to meet ya. I can show you some of my neon horde.