Heyheyheyhey. NHL95 on Sega Genesis.
There must be a good reason why he (??) is jolting the wheel like that..?!
You really have NO idea. One guy almost hit me when I told him his Golf’s turbo was bust, just because nothing breaks in a VW (yeah right), this other guy tells me he’ll come and rip my head off my shoulders because we fixed his car after he had been to about three or four places before us and pured thousands of euros…
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this, here, on Jalopnik. The guy is from the same city as I, Seinäjoki. He has some cool cars, I've worked on his Continental GT, which is rumoured to have it's rear axle torn off at one point when he gave it some good ol' right foot.. I could go on forever..
The first gen BMY coded engines felt a lot more powerful than they were. The only problem is, they were really unreliable...the turbochargers give up, oil pumps fail, timing chains stretch, piston rings jam, pistons melt due to software errors, high pressure fuel pumps + injectors fail... and so on..
Pretty sure thats a Lambo, dude
Dear god the rear seat looks comfy and uncomfy at the same time. Is there somebody hidden under it??
I've managed to hit myself in the face with one during the procedure of getting up of it. And it was the seat part.
Most probably he isn't going to use his drivers license in jail, so that subject is covered now.
Partially I do agree, although I am interested in what is the basis of the claim that they actually tried to become like BMW?