But it is nimble, with high grip levels and great visibility. To most people its thin window pillars and frail styling make it look unsafe. As you can see from this video, car safety isn't just about how well a vehicle deforms when it hits something. It's also about preventing crashes from happening altogether.
Let me guess, the person driving the econobox was using his/her phone while driving down the ramp..
That is true; Amen.
You can see the ghosts eyes behind the drivers seat! SPOOOOKYYY
Yeah, once again "MSRP: $28,665 (Club PRHT base price)"...NOT available in Finland, and if it was, NOT for that kind of money.
I feel stupid now.
Yeah, now that I come to think of it, yes.
That is awesome. You are awesome. And now I feel awesome. Thank you.
Um yum nom nom yum
It's funny when you post sticker prices of around 30 000$ (~22110 €) here and I'm like "HELLLLYEEEEAAAAHHHH!!", and when it hits market here in Finland, the price here is somewhere between 40 000 to 60 000€...and I'm like "FFFFFFFCCCCKKKK!"
That hybrids and EV's are nature friendly.
Still the best, because it gives you an excuse to punch your siblings. Some people play where New Bugs count for one and Old Bugs count for two. That's okay. Some people call this game Punch Buggy, and that's not okay. It's called slug bug, yo. (It's called Punch Buggy, but Raph won't listen to reason. - Ed.)
Sooo...let me get this straight. You think that catalytic converters and DPF's dont pollute in ANY way? Hmm, they do. Sorry.
Insanely awesome.
I would definitely buy it for my gf.