If we would all just use the bathrooms that God assigns us, poverty, crime, gun violence, and all of societies other ills would disappear. It is in the bible.
If we would all just use the bathrooms that God assigns us, poverty, crime, gun violence, and all of societies other ills would disappear. It is in the bible.
It’s good to know that with all the problems our country is facing, like the heroin epidemic, poverty, crime, some states are focusing on what’s really important: their religious war against humanity.
I was thinking the same about the booze. He’s aware, which is something, I guess. Maybe Theresa will finally divorce him while he’s inside, although I doubt it. She’s hooked on douche for life.
They’re “country club” prisons only, really, because the threat of physical and sexual assault is much lower in these low security federal prisons. They're really regularly prison-y otherwise. Which is how prisons should be, really.
A friend was staying over and had flown with an entire bottle of Glucosamine Chondroitin from which he had emptied all the capsules and filled them with cocaine. We partied for like a week and then he left. Another friend was cleaning up a few days later. We were sad that our friend was gone. And then she found a…
It’s a minimum security prison, so sounds like he’s right about it. It’s prolly not the country club that Martha went to, but i’m sure people aren’t getting shanked or raped in the showers. Good to see him acknowledge his drinking issue, which is evident in his bloated face. Maybe he’ll be smart and work out and drop…
And dicks. Don’t they get in the way, I mean, don’t they flop around? I just wonder how they can even play tennis or any kind of sports.
This is a serious subject, and you had to go and make a Djokovit.
“And those breasts bouncing all over the place! It’s hard enough for me, running around with my huge balls. I can’t even imagine how women do it with those pleasure pillows fucking with their center of gravity!”
True. But that’s sensationalism, which can be blamed mostly on media. On the other side of the story are poorly designed studies, overuse of meta analyses, and stubborn peer review panels hanging on religiously to old science.
So be it. I have made the choice not to have kids (yet). See if you can guess how many paid days of bonus leave time I receive from my employer/s. Or dependent tax breaks I receive. Or that free extra mini meal that comes with an adult meal at restaurants.
Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.
Also not my problem: parents who don’t like changing diapers. Parents who don’t want to pay for daycare yet have to work. Parents who don’t like being parents.
Great for people who want to watch a movie in peace. Sucks for parents who can’t find evening sitters.
In early March, an unfortunate soul put the pedal to the metal so as to reach his house before pooping his pants.…
Fucking Frances McDormand. Love everything she’s ever done and will ever do. Amazing actor.