It’s their job to create a safe environment for trans kids, but not necessarily to get involved in a political issue the way this book reading was clearly going to.
It’s their job to create a safe environment for trans kids, but not necessarily to get involved in a political issue the way this book reading was clearly going to.
“Okay, but that’s not for you to judge or assume. And really, it doesn’t actually matter how any one woman ‘came’ to such a thing, so long as she’s doing what she wants.”
The people criticizing you are self congratulatory, libfem idiots. They are so ideologically confused that they think in order to be a feminist you have to endorse porn that sells rape fantasies to men. You’re obviously not being sex negative. You’re being rape negative and rape culture negative. Why the fuck wouldn’t…
Please remember that kink shaming is not okay
Having a problem with porn that exists to satisfy men’s rape fantasies doesn’t make you sex negative, any more than you being okay with it makes you the enlightened feminist scholar you think it does.
Uh huh. And what about the dudes who jerk off to rape simulating porn? Are they sex positive feminists too?
Only on a site such as this would someone say that rape porn is not a part of rape culture.
Of course *blank* “shaming” is not ok, but having an opinon is.
I’m not into visual porn; smutty writing does it for me. But enough people raved about him that I gave it a try, once. He spat in the woman’s face and simulated raping her - no thanks. Not into guys who even pretend to enjoy that shit, and if that makes me not sex-positive, I can live with that.
Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.
Yeah, but they are young and stupid—not career assassins. Happens all the time on 20/20 and Dateline. You’re just watching the wrong shows ;) Dipshit got high on the power and decided he’d rape her too. We’ll see. 100% conjecture on my part, of course.
First, I’m not sure how privileged she was. Born to a teen mom; father left when she was two. In any case, do you really restrict your listening to downtrodden people of color? LOL What an asinine comment.
Uh huh. Cue the news that the husband hired the teens to kill her in 3, 2, 1 ...
That was very well said.
It’s a good question. I think we’ve crossed a line and can’t ever go back to the Bowie and Manson era. It’s funny, because in a way the message has become about removing boundaries and categorizations of people, but at the same time I think Manson, being a heterosexual and dressing the way he did, would be perceived…
Do you think Marilyn Manson’s look would work these days? Or would he be labeled as transphobic? He’s all but dropped the genderbend look he had in the 90’s and is now tailored goth.
Something in their food doesn’t agree with my wife’s gut, so we haven’t eaten there in years, maybe close to a decade now. So long that I can’t recall what their guac tasted like.
Non-refundable, in my industry at least, can be stated until the cows come home but it is virtually meaningless if you go to small claims court. If a service is paid for and not rendered judges can easily side with the customer despite any claims of non-refundability. If partial services are rendered a partial refund…
Of course it’s not. You spend thousands of dollars on a vacation and a percentage on insurance and you get sick ... it’s not a scam any more than life insurance, car insurance, or health insurance. Some insurers may be scammers, but the idea itself is not.