Because she set herself up for it. While it was not against the rules to have a personal server, it was against rules to use it for State Department business. Two things just may be happening at the same time: 1) She’s being attacked because she is the strongest D candidate for President, and 2) she really did…
While Bengazi is imaginary, the email thing just isn’t. Even if you think it was OK to have a personal server in her home that she used for gov’t purposes, she had a duty to turn it over untouched, which would have made the issue go away. It was unnecessary and suspicious to delete emails—who cares if there were…
I think you need to re-work this: “Finally, when it comes time to dry, paper towels are better than air dryers. While they’re not as great for the environment, air dryers tend to leave hands dry, and wet hands make for a very germ-friendly environment.”
I don’t know. They promised their donation “ ... will come back their way threefold,” so I think we need to get started on that.
Yup. Super sexy, latin cyborgs!
Interesting. So I’m assuming the graffiti in question is, um, well, illegal, since it’s, um, graffiti. So can you actually claim copyright on an illegal work of art or does it become public domain? Any IP lawyers out there?
Yup, Matt Gutman. He’s a hotty too.
Or you can own your feelings and not blame others for them. I wish that were a thing.
BMI is a very basic measure, for sure, of height/weight proportionality. It is not meant to be a measure of body fat. You might not benefit from calculating your BMI if you’re a weight lifter, but for other people it is a general guide. You prove for yourself the problems with generalizing what “by most standards” is…
Is that the requirement for the medallion owner or anyone they hire to drive a car using their medallion? I guess I assumed medallion owners were not necessarily the ones driving the cars, so just curious.
Huh. That would explain the anti-uber snarkiness that is requisite for employees of Gawker media.
Mental illness, not shitty decision making, was I think the point of the comment. He was doing well in life and something broke, which is not unusual in cases of mental illness. I think often when the person reaches there twenties there can be a sudden onset or increase.
Are you still stalking me? How middle school of you. LOL Child. Go cry to your mommy. Mean man has a different opinion, mommy!
He’s great. I’ve been bingeing on Malcolm in the Middle lately. Who woulda thunk he’d become Walter White?