Vitamin V

She should sue her plastic surgeon while she’s at it.

Yeah, you’re deff not emotional. I know you think other people's money should be accessible to you and therefore it's not scarce, but that's stupid. So, no, I'm not reading the rest of your crazy emotional diatribe on why you should have access to other people's money because parenting is so hard, boo fucking Hoo.

The basic economic problem that arises because people have unlimited wants but resources are limited. Because of scarcity, various economic decisions must be made to allocate resources efficiently.

Wow. I knew they retouched photos, but that’s pretty extreme. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with her bod, just that I had no idea models looked this normal and are retouched so heavily. No wonder we all have body dysmorphic disorder.

This photo? OMG could you imagine? LOL there’s no way that’s real.

Oh, thank god. Yeah, must be an old pic. Even the best surgeons couldn’t fix this: (not that there’s anything wrong with getting old; we all do)

OK, so Ozzie is 66. How many hours do we think his intern spent on photoshop to get him to look like that? I mean, it can’t be untouched, right? ‘Cause if he looks like that and my 40-ish ass is looking like this then there really is something to a life of drugs and rock n roll. Fuck!

No, you’re not. Terribly sad story.

Oh, stop. You’re embarrassing yourself. Wasting time on stupid posts. You're a bunch of children. I'm embarrassed for you. See an opinion you don't like? Annihilate it. Like mean girls. Grow the Fuck up.

Oh, there's that 16 year old girl snark again! So cute!

Um, you questioned my comment about paid leave being realistic in our country, since it has worked in others, and made a snarky comment about gravity, which I found to be condescending. I explained why I don’t think it’s realistic and gave examples to explain my thinking. I didn’t ask for your snarky input in the

I’m aware of the benefits of social programs. I’m also aware that money is scarce and decisions are made by our leaders about where the money goes and what our priorities are, and much of that is driven by self interest. That’s just the way the world works, and it’s no different for people advocating for paid parental

I totally have a plan to leave. Finishing my MS and then I’m out of here!

You have my vote! Good luck with this Congress, though. They didn’t want healthcare and you remember the whole thing about covering contraception. It’s not something the US is ready for, but things are changing. And employers have to get on board too. Where I work we sometimes hire temps while people are on leave and

We just don’t agree. Why can’t you get over that? It’s fascinating to watch. FYI, society is working just fine. You want something additional, which I’m all for if you come up with a way to support it or, in time, we shift as a society to accept more social programs and higher taxes to support them. And stop calling

That’s how it works with my employer too. I don’t know if it’s a good policy; I’m up for a new one if we can pay for it without too much of a tax increase. I’m already struggling to live in NYC and will likely move because it’s just not worth it to me anymore and I’m worried I’ll never save enough for retirement.

I don’t bitch about my taxes funding schools, but many older people, like my parents, struggle under NY taxes long after they’ve paid for their own kids’ schooling. I think NY has a program for those over 65 to get a reduction on their taxes to make up for it, and I think it’s a fair argument for them, struggling

I agree with everything you’ve said here. We are cogs in an economy skewed to the benefit of the very wealthy, and overcoming that is a tough battle, but if we have a plan for covering costs, as you did in your previous post, it can be done. I do think we’ll need a new crop of Congress people, though, because the very

That sounds smart. It’s funded and covers more than just one group’s needs by covering more than just parental leave.

I love how saying someone should pay you to stay home with your kid is NOT self interest but saying I don’t want to be the one to pay for it is. That’s just childish and indicative a room temperature IQ. So go on with your bad self.