Vitamin V

Of course he’s a goomba from Long Island. Thanks, Nick, for reinforcing the stereotype.

It’s OK as long as men don’t start to carry clutches. Manhood is lost forever. jk

Yes. I get it. I’m simply having a discussion about it. Thanks for chiming in but this has all been covered.

The rigid ones are better. They really crack your back and don't get soft.

You’re an idiot. We're talking about a test for which there are other alternatives. You'd be stupid to take that test.

Yes, that’s actually the point of my comments. Maybe you didn’t understand. I get that it’s a numbers game.

Um, yeah, I worked in a genetics lab, so there’s that. I agree that with vaccines the benefit outweighs the costs. I just don’t think science, which I’ve experience first hand, is the God that many here want to make it. It is actually very fallible and prone to human error, and that’s what’s behind me giving the

The for-profit issue is a great point. Childhood vaccines are different, but have you noticed that the flu vaccine went from being recommended for old people and those with immune disorders to everyone? Everyone does not need the flu vaccine, but you can get them at CVS, Rite Aid, Walmart, the drive through at

First of all, my comment on side effects is related to prescribed medications, and I have seen this with myself, my parents, and my grandparents. I also had a doc tell me to get a heart CT and I questioned the amount of radiation and was told not to worry. That same evening I read an article in the NY Times that a guy

Totally agree that we should vaccinate. I do think it’s important to address the issue, though, and I have trouble accepting the medical community glossing over things. And if it was your child and the vaccine did cause autism in a certain % of the pop., how would you feel about the cost-benefit analysis? Would you

It doesn’t take an advanced degree to understand that a side effect is a side effect and you cannot know whether your patient will be that one in a million. It is a false assumption when you assume s/he is not that one—outright bad science. That’s my point. So, real question here related to your last statement: why

Yes, I know. That’s what I said. The point is that it’s not zero. Doctors notoriously under estimate how many people are having side effects, and then they prescribe additional medications to treat the side effects of the first med. This happens to old people to such a degree that it should scare the crap out of you.

Maybe you should re-read the article above about the hatred spewing across the internet between groups that have a difference of opinion.

OK, but the problem with doctors is that they play a numbers game and routinely ignore side effects. If .0001% of a population has a side effect from a medication, docs round that to zero and say “it can’t be the med causing that”. I have literally been told that and stopped a medication only to see that it was in

Well, scoliosis is another story. I think the quackary has to do with other outrageous claims. Cracking my back does feel good, tho. I use this; It’s totally awesome and only $70:

“Soft Tissue Work” too. lol

And the creation of an enemy to rally against. Dems vs Repubs; black vs white; christians vs everything. People suck. It’s a shame because I’m interested in the causes of autism, and coming together, the two groups could really lobby for some answers about increasing rates of autism, if that’s a thing.

Sounds like America. Good thing we got the gay marriage thing taken care of. Next on the docket: vaccine requirements.

Well, it doesn’t make sense, but to the point she meant to make: that’s kind of the basis of our entire fucking constitutional democracy. The rights of the individual outweigh the will of the masses. Cheesus chrisps, don’t they learn them kids in the South?

I like that show, but that gives me the hebes.