Vitamin V

Um, OK, so you start with “let’s quit it with the introvert/extrovert nonsense” and then go into a detailed explanation of exactly what is meaningful about those personality types. I know you think it’s clicky and cute, but it makes you look like an idiot who can’t write since you’re obviously contradicting yourself.

Genesis 3.1: “that’s what she said.”

What? No homo sex? This is a non-story. It’s been a minute since we’ve had a good god lovin’ fag hatin’ preacher get caught with a dick in his mouth. What’s going on?

I had it done at 28. I don’t recall the risk discussion, although I’m sure my doc must have had it with me. The problem was so bad I think it outweighed the risk in my case.

Oh gosh. I had those for years and used to reach back and squish the crap out of my huge tonsils. White crusty, stinky crap would come out onto my finger. Disgusting. Dentist after dentist told me there was nothing I could do for it. Finally one doc said, “oh, yeah. You need to have your tonsils removed.” Problem

Essentially the same thing; masks the smell. If you have food caught between your teeth and gums and don’t floss, even listerine strips wont fix it. You gotta get in there and pick out the decaying, bacteria infested food particles.

Yeah, because what crazy person would write a rambling racist manifesto? This def proves his sanity.

You’re approaching a level of nuance that most people can’t seem to grasp. They can’t hold two seemingly opposed things in their head at the same time: he is mentally ill, he is racist and his illness played itself out in this way. And all those who call themselves mentally ill don’t seem to be able to grasp that

I agree until presented with new evidence to the contrary. I believe that this guy obsessed about race the way Hinckley obsessed about Jodie Foster. I mean, what current day racist touts the old KKK adage that black men are raping white women? And the shame of it all is that it has taken focus away from the real, sane

LOL, you should have said, “you were right, I am a dirty, nasty little boy. And a sissy!” BTW, I love that she goes to church. smh

It’s not natural. Unless of course you define “natural” as “existing in or caused by nature.”

True, but it’s the basis of the mistrial motion that he failed to disclose, so I’m assuming there was a question posed that gives them legal grounds to file for mistrial.

Cruises are a total guilty pleasure. I love them. I had a rendezvous with a guy purporting to be a passenger but was somehow never around before 11PM. I finally realized he and his friends worked below deck and were trying to scam me when the subject of the ATM came up and how I should get some money for the casino.

Omg! She fell on to the grill?! Terrible! I think she had too much saki.

Hey, what’s happening with Tori these days? Does she still have a “reality” show?

The law makes no distinction. If you are below the age of consent you cannot consent. As far as the law is concerned it was rape, and it was fairly misleading for the guy to not disclose that when asked.

This happened to the Joker too.

And I thought they just kept recycling the same stories from 10 years ago. Really. Enough with this. Please go off the air. The reruns too. I’m so sick of it.

I suck dick on my way home from work every night. But I’m straight, ‘cuz I married a wo man.

I’d like to have the Holy Land Experience with the guy on the left: