Milkshake Man

Are you ever gonna shut up?

Max Brooks is an asshole.

Same old song just a drop of water in an endless sea
All we do , crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see

Also, as mentioned somewhere online, he was barricaded for months and has missed out on much of the killing and reality of what's going on, so…he's still a little green.

You just ruined the entire series for me.

The comic is shit and so is the show. So was WWZ and so is Max Brooks. Fuck the whole lot of it. Buncha of braindead drivel.

Zombie anatomy is complicated. From what I can tell, zombification makes skulls quite mushlike (whipping one with a wet noodle would likely puree it); at the same time, zombification strengthens jaws and jaw muscles so that they can bite through anything short of steel. Muscles atrophy in the legs and arms, resulting

Oh, FUCK OFF, with your endless Max Brooks quotes. That's not even the same GD franchise.

Mr Max Brooks is like a genius. A GENIUS!

Think I'd just…quit fucking eating before anything that drastic happened to me.

This show sucks, which doesn't bode well for my winter.

Who she likely just left in the bag as she shambled away…

God, that movie sucked.

Her first attempt at killing a human, even though a pig was there for the taking. Okayyyyy…then she just kills herself.

What did I do wrong to end up here, right here?

Aren't showers supposed to wash away stuff like that?

Will he have salami nun-chucks?

That's brilliant, you should make a chart.

Morgan's accent put my teeth on edge.