Milkshake Man

I disagree. I watch this show specifically for bitch fodder, and I'm never, ever, disappointed.

Baraka w/ Zombies.

The comic was boring as shit. Even worse than the show.

It was like art. Just magnificent.

That was too much to ask.

Good news everybody!

How did her husband end up 'just a head' anyways?


The legs on that one…

And, like a cow, were incapable of going back down…

Shit yeah bruh.

Good point, and funny delivery.

Wouldn't flies and maggots have eaten the zombies down to bones in the last 4-5 months? How ya fight a massive, mile wide swarm of flies, Mr. Zombie?

Quit makin excuses, that scene sucked zombie balls.

I think it was the perfectly round holes they made in the square ceiling tiles, or perhaps the stupid way the roof suddenly gave in at 15 different spots at once …even though the zombies had been wandering over that whole roof for months…

D'Angelo Barksdale is an asshole.

This show is just fake as hell.
Kinda strains my ability to suspend disbelief.

Suicidal 69…if your partner dies while going down.

But she didn't really say yea or nay to that, just mumbled something and changed the subject.