Also, best press conference ever:
Also, best press conference ever:
Imagine, the butt-chugging! This is going to make the problem so much worse! Imagine what the carnage this will cause in our nations fraternities!
I can’t imagine why Columbia would not want to spend money to fund this...*eyeroll***
I can’t give this enough stars! Perfect!
Unless you have a job where your wages will keep place with inflation (criminal defense lawyer, self employed), and you’ve got an enormous amount of debt (student loans!!!! and a mortgage, locked in at a low fixed rate (if the rate of inflation increases over the rate of my debt, I win!)...I would fucking kill for…
Wait, are you telling me I can buy stamps for less than face value? Forever stamps are worth 55 cents. And there is a 10% discount.
Wait, are you telling me I can buy stamps for less than face value? Forever stamps are worth 55 cents. And there is…
Are you serious? That is completely improper. Where did that happen? You may want to consider contacting your state Bar Association and letting them know.
This isn’t the only prisoner/voting issue. Currently (everywhere, I believe, but may be wrong) people are arrested, convicted and then sent to prison in a very different part of the state than where they had been living. Just to use an obvious example, in New York, if someone lives in New York City, and is arrested…
As an actual attorney, I read that complaint, and that is one of the most poorly written pieces of shit I’ve ever seen. It’s signed by two attorneys who apparently work at big law firms, but, holy shit, I’d be embarrassed to sign that document. If I was the judge, after reading that my first thought would be sanctions…
Ahhh...the petty bourgeoisie, just grasping at that .000001% ring. I say “Bah!”. Just accept your position in life and go to Duke....Jesus.
As an actual attorney, but without doing even cursory research, and not knowing much about products liability or personal injury law...I would advise that Zion get that shoe, put it in a bag, and give it to his family (NO ONE ELSE), just in case it turns out to be REALLY important one day....
I really must agree with your logic. But, as a Saints fan, F@#K THIS. They say that those who can live with cognitive dissonance tend to be either madmen or geniuses...
And Reagan’s response to that strike was completely illegal and immoral. It’s one of the first, of many, things he did for which he deserved to be impeached. If only we had done so then, maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess we’re in now...
As an attorney, I’d honestly be surprised if that isn’t what happens. It was the first thing I thought of...”no, we just don’t have any room on the calendar, we’ll have to set the hearing in late May.”
Damn, tell us how you really feel.
This is really simple, one of the few things the local school district got right was just eliminating paying for lunch/breakfast. There is no more “free lunch” or kids who pay, no tracking, no debt, it’s just in the budget. You have a federal right to a free, appropriate, public education. If you are starved or…
Great article, I don’t disagree with anything that you said, except that the letter from counsel at the OSC was “hilariously formal”. I’m not saying that I agree with the conclusions of the OSC, either that these people get little slaps on the wrist, or that, somehow “#MAGanomics” isn’t a violation because it’s the…
Do you get to Georgia often? I don’t disagree with your thesis, but, I have to correct some factual errors. 1) there is no interstate in Waynesboro, 2) there is no “Millen” county, Millen is the county seat of Screven County, 3) Francys Johnson is not from Burke County, he is from Statesboro, which is in Bulloch…