
I’m continuously amazed that CBD oil is sold and shipped to all 50 states. Don’t take me the wrong way, I in no way think it’s harmful or a bad product or any of those things, it’s just that, as an attorney, it’s painfully difficult to explain to people who’ve been arrested (in Georgia, at least) and charged with

I’m continuously amazed that CBD oil is sold and shipped to all 50 states. Don’t take me the wrong way, I in no way

I my gosh, I just noticed that you’re back!  I loved your work on Gawker!  Can someone beg Catie Weaver to come back as well?

Don’t get caught up in the hype, Abrams is NOT the truly progressive candidate in this election, Stacey Evans IS. Evans may be white, but she has a real history of standing up to the damn Republicans in this state, and Abrams’ working with them to gut the HOPE scholarship that Gov. Miller put into place that paid for

This is all so obvious. Why does the dollar have value? Because it is the only way in which someone can pay taxes to the US government. If that doesn’t change, the dollar will continue to have value. Bitcoin, lol, I think P.T. Barnum said something about this sort of thing...

I feel like it should count as 3/5ths of 1 intercourse. That would be traditional in this country.

That’s a hot take, bro!

If that is an attempt at a Cricket score, it’s either a goddamn incredible game and you are using a word for wickets I’m not familiar with, or you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Jimmy Stewart served in World War 2 and eventually rose to the rank of brigadier general! And almost never talked about it. Also appeared in the BBC documentary classic “The World at War” in an interview as “James Stewart”.

As a (semi-) responsible adult, I frown on displays such as this. As someone who was once in college and still has a sense of humor, that was pretty funny and probably didn’t hurt anybody. nbd.

Someone got a $5,000 settlement in Federal Court? It was in Fed. Court on a federal question?

Go to Istanbul sometime. It’s this shitty chewy stuff that comes in about 1000 flavors and is sold by roughly 10 million little stands on the side of the road. But my wife loved it, so, what the hell do I know?

Miller’s Crossing?? You can do better.

Hamilton’s back! It seems like “The Concourse” is where the best stuff from Gawker has landed, is that the case? Is this where you are going to be primarily based? Long time fan here, I felt lost without my daily dose of socialism. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you well and let you know that I’m glad that your

So, I just don’t know where to post this, but you seem like a guy who’s seen a lot of movies. Did you ever see Wait Until Dark? The movie from like, the ‘60s with Audrey Hepburn as the blind girl who gets tormented and then ends with some of the best suspense scenes ever done on film? It really did a great job using

Am I really going to have to be the one to comment on the duck lips. I mean, I realize that this is Jezebel and all, but, damn girl!

Just curious, how is everyone handling this week’s news in general? Between the bombings, the executed black people, the crazy scene in Dallas, is anyone besides me just sort of putting their head between their legs and sobbing?

I believe the legal term is that you cannot “suffer” and employee to work without compensation. It’s technically been the employer’s responsibility to keep up with their employees hours for decades now, it just has been neglected and unenforced. As an attorney at a labor law firm, I welcome all of the new business!

I have a 1994 4Runner with 300k on it. Original engine. Changed out the fuel lines, it went, but that thing is a beast. It’s got 4WD, all the accessories. I use it to tow my boat, tow whatever. I’m never going to sell that monster. 300k miles, original engine. It’s a fantastic work vehicle. Whenever I need