I’m 6'3" and I can pull it off in the second row of a minivan, you just have to crane your neck a little more.
I’m 6'3" and I can pull it off in the second row of a minivan, you just have to crane your neck a little more.
Not if it’s newer than 25 years old. Otherwise...
I had read that before, its nice to hear it affirmed on here. I think I’ll stick to importing cheap cars for now, since that’s all the budget I have anyway :)
Ok, question. When you hear bi-weekly, do you think twice a week or once every two weeks?
In my experience a stamped DOT and EPA exemption form, as well as a stamped customs entry form, will do the trick (at least for any vehicles imported as an informal entry- that is, worth less than $2500). I don’t have any experience importing anything more expensive than that, so I could be missing some information.
I loved my Beat. Don’t tempt me to buy another. Please...
Man, I always hated these videos irrationally. Now I can hate them rationally too, yay
Frickin’ White Zombie. That’s all I’m gonna say.
On the upside, if obscenely rich people didn’t exist we wouldn’t get to laugh at their $2,000 strollers. It’s really a win-win.
My family currently owns three Mazdas (‘02 Protege, ‘07 Mazda3, ‘11 Mazda3). None of them have any rust. Perks of living in the South I suppose.
Part of me wants to say “it’s just hair. I have no trouble touching animal hair when it’s plastered on things, why should this be any different?”
I’d like to add that I didn’t expect to like this movie. When I first saw the trailer I thought one of my favorite franchises was about to be butchered. But if it’s not painfully obvious from my take, that wasn’t the case. The movie isn’t perfect, but it’s great in the ways that matter.
I’m most bothered by his singular “risk” being used with plural verbs. Also, I think he should have used an Oxford comma (I like Oxford commas).
When I had my Beat, getting used to driving on the opposite side of the car was super easy. But the turn signals... I never messed up while driving the Beat, it was only after getting back into my regular Civic that I would flick on the wipers by mistake.
You joke, but you’d be amazed at how many of these showed up on my college campus this year.
This was by far the most helpful guide I read. Everything in here is just about spot on, though some of the prices will vary by port. I basically followed this as closely as possible and I was 99% right when I got to the port. Good Luck!
Also, Kinja wouldn’t let me publish pictures, but here’s a link to the completed auction:
I saw this post at work but I haven’t had time to reply until just now.