Rough few months for Triple H. First Lemmy, then the woman he dated who looked like Lemmy.
Rough few months for Triple H. First Lemmy, then the woman he dated who looked like Lemmy.
You’ve got a nice, crisp Tubman coming your way some day.
Best Klans In Baseball!
Holy shit... thank you!!!!
It’s almost like Kentucky has a problem with cousin-fucking that New York doesn’t.
Dude went on the record saying blacks were better off before the abolition of slavery. I guess the left is pretty intolerant of your intolerance, Cletus.
So you’re saying he’s a Pats fan?
So you’re saying he’s overqualified to represent Pats fans?
Here’s what I do for all my allergies:
I know I’ll probably get a ton of flak for this, and trust me I sympathize as a survivor myself, but I feel that the dean has every right to depose Jackie, even if I find it repugnant that she’s going around branding Jackie as a liar.
Looks like Greg Olsen’s three-point stance
It should be noted that the fundraiser is for the Hillary Victory Fund, which does help Hillary’s campaign, but also donates to down-ticket races. This sort of funding is usually vital for smaller Democratic campaigns, who cannot acquire enough funding on their own to be competitive.
Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.
Reality doesn’t seem to matter to a lot of Sanders supporters. Not all, of course, but many.
Baseball is my favorite sport. And I love the bat flips, and the pitchers celebrating when they get a tough out. And baserunners clapping when they steal a base. Also, it makes things more interesting when players from the rival team do the same thing: part of the fun is having someone to root against.
I agree with Gossage. Baseball does not need a bunch of quarterbacks running around.
i need a side-by-side lebron vs hockey meme STAT.
And injure someone else
The decision to expel him was made on Feb. 10, 2016, and a week later the UWC chose not to hear Montague’s appeal of the decision, according to sources familiar with the facts of the case.