
Nice of Andy Reid to make it back in time after spending the night delivering all those presents.

Hughes with the solid head butting the opposing coach move.

Katie Nolan once again expressing views inconsistent with those of her employer. God, she’s a real monster.

Not at all, I just love a good hypocrite.

Straight to the ad hominem I see.

Hopefully all of those vlogs help her sleep better after that Fox direct deposit hits every two weeks.

Or maybe not try to put on false humility on the pressing issues of female sports fans and THE STRUGGLE while cashing checks from a media conglomerate that totally is cool with letting it’s executives sexually assualt it’s female employees and then hit them up with a cool $40M on the way out the door.

A guy who has 4 rings on his hand by playing a grand total 1,256 minutes in those seasons should know all about entitlement.

63 pass attempts?

Someone give Tiger his Hooters waitresses and his other various C+ white pussy back man.

Haven’t seen someone spend this much time running around Philadelphia with inevitable disappointment on the horizon since Hillary Clinton.

Spoiler: It’s the gloves more than the hands

Undefeated in the playoffs though.

Seems more like the technology isn’t there yet for the NFL where baseball there wasn’t enough outrage to warrant the replay until Galaragga’s perfect game was runied.

But with that logic, wouldn’t the one time cost of hawk-eye then make those refs even more expendable?

Is there any reason why the NFL isn’t using hawkeye now to spot balls/determine out of bounds/determine goal line crossing?

Everytime I see one of those street fight/sucker punch stories where someone dies, it’s not the impact of the punch that kills them but the resulting fall and head smashing into solid object that does it.

That table shot after the punch is fucking brutal

Ha and then the Mets lost in the WS. It’s alright homie, this Mets team won’t ever be back.