The best clock management he’s ever done
The best clock management he’s ever done
Dumb NFL Rule Ignored To Betterment Of All
And his level of force is unnecessary.
That is a nice story, but it’s BS. I work in economic development for Appalachia, and the truth is, with just a few exceptions, they don’t want to work. The people who want to work have already gotten out. All that left are the retired, the willfully uneducated, the apathetics and the drug addicts. They might say they…
The liberal elites the rubes in the hinderland hate so much are the ones doing the heavy lifting in the country, and really the ones who personally benefit when the GOP is in power.
Mike Mussina deserves to go in before Schilling. 270 wins, 3.42 ERA, 7-8 postseason, 1-1 WS, 5-time all star, 7 Gold Gloves.
Counterpoint: Fuck Curt Schilling with a rusty drill in his bloody ankle hole. Until Bonds and Clemens get in (and even then) Nazi Curt should be left out.
A lot of people also seem to have the presumption of “You play football so you must be an asshole lunkhead who would gladly gang rape a woman.”
In this country we have the presumption of innocence. Take your presumption of guilt somewhere else.
Maybe because it didn’t happen
At least for the last guy, sure.
“So tell us about the jobs that will be created by this stadium plan.”
Potentially all of them!
+1 blind eye
Big deal. Penn State has had arcade games, trampolines, pony rides, and free candy in the locker room since the early 80's.
How coincidental, Triple H will be our bond rating after the Trump Presidency.
No. The narrative must stand.
Looking at those cleats gave me cancer, so there’s that.