something witty I suppose

Hey Doug,

Eh, not worth the discussion.

Blackface doesn't have the same implications here. Which doesn't mean I condone it, just saying.

Touché. How are your school-shootings going?

That's not too far from the truth. We are a rather morbid people.

Prissier huh? Couldn't be farther from the truth.
We are the slobby roommates of Germany, more likely.

I'm annoyed by both, though not really surprised, considering the fact that half of you consider Europe one country.
Our sense of humor is way darker and more cynical than the German's by the way.

Well, I guess some of them are.
Didn't mean to offend!

Fuck if I know.
I guess boners are serious business for some people.
I for one think even the most serious boner is just hilarious, just look at that widdle guy!
All boners are little guys…right?

Yes he is kidding. Poor BonerTime, always being taken serious. He's called BonerTime for a reason, people!!!

something something canceraids…

lol, I guess

Oh believe me I have. Sitting down and bending forward is the easier option.

Pissing. You're doing it wrong.

Maybe they want to freeze them until they find a cure for…wounds, I guess?

Why is this happening? WHAT is happening???

Thanks for the apology, though it was more about the blanket statement than about gamers.
I do actually agree that there are lots of gamers that are full of it. Just looking at the XBox vs. Playstation wars makes me weep for humanity.

As someone who makes blanket statements about people who make blanket statements, I profusely apologize!

That's fine. Hate away.

So it's unfettered capitalism or communism? There can't possibly be something in between?

Counterpoint: People who make blanket statements about groups of people are the worst people in the world.