something witty I suppose

Well, he isn't the lizard president, so that doesn't mean much.

That took me longer than it should haveā€¦

More like the Trollability Index, right?

Tropes I know from TV Tropes.
Memes I know from Richard Dawkins.
Your mother, I know from last night.

If you are generous you could say that tropes are a shared syntax to discuss pop culture.

Everything I learned, I learned from TV Tropes.

Says the guy from the country that spawned Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty.

Believe it or not, there are straight people out there who care about gay rights,too.

If this was a better show, I would suggest that the Dome is broadcasting all the exposition just to mess with the people inside.

Spoiler! Yup.

Uncalled for, that was a very nice reply.

That was endlessly amusing.
When nothing else happened, hey at least you could be in awe of the bad editing.

Dammit, my 8-year old hijacked my account again.

That sound AWSOME!!!!

Top Gun 2: Drones before Hoes.

For a given value of 'person'.