Regular Asian salon type place.
Regular Asian salon type place.
You have some deep-rooted insecurities.
Places at UES have prices of $40 and more for regular manicures.
Blah blah blah ME ME ME ME blah blah blah.
The governor made good on his promise: in August, the state inspected 182 salons, 43 percent of which were found to not pay minimum wage or overtime. 87 percent neglected to provide employees with wage statements or pay stubs, and approximately three out of five nail salon employers admitted they did not maintain…
Yeah, you gotta do better than that. Details or I assume you’re biased.
There is no need to be rude and condescending. What are your qualifications upon which you have taken to insult people who have ACTUALLY studied medicine, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, etc?
Good for you, and also, what the fuck is an eco dentist?
What was inaccurate about it?
‘Brush twice daily with this sustainable beach-paste and use your own hair as a floss tool. And do not eat nightshades.’ She hands you a jar of sand from Staten Island and a photocopied brochure about hair floss. ‘That will be 349 dollars.’
Please tell me your FB friend is a hamster.
I can’t stop laughing about an ‘eco dentist’. What the ever-loving fuck is that? She tries to fight your tooth decay by cultivating penicillin mold between your teeth?
They’re so concerned about ending the autism “epidemic” that they’re creating actual epidemics out of preventable diseases. Fucking incredible.
I think we’re getting to the point where people just find facts and reality itself offensive. I’m waiting for someone to sue the CDC for offending their religious liberty.
You guys, I have hit peak old person.
yes. this. AND in addition they cite the costs that will be incurred over the next ten years because of autism...
I wonder how much money it will cost to treat and bury millions of sick people... im guessing MORE? than 1 trillion over ten years.
Yes spending 6 + years in medical school obviously is not enough. Where did you learn your amazing ‘scientific’ theories?
I could definitely see how this could happen, and I think it really shows how common harmful ingredients are in people’s every day lives. I hope they find a way to continue the program with safer products.