
This is the No Shit Sherlock cloud.

Times have changed. So now getting the sweater off is not considered first base, but gets you home plate instead?


The Grinder was hilarious. You need chemistry for a show to click—Rob Lowe and Fred Savage had it in spades as they played brothers. Couple that with every ep opening with a scene from Lowe’s kaput clone of LA Law with its eyeball-rolling histrionics and it was a great time laughing my ass off there on the couch.

It may not be the best...but to me, the mine car chase was the most fun part of any of the four movies.

Don’t I feel dumb; I always thought the cue ball was smaller than its brethren and therefore didn’t catch on a mechanism designed to corral the larger balls. Fascinating.

A panel heard all of the evidence and decided that not only did he commit a violation, but also that it was sufficiently serious to expel him. What else are we withholding judgment for?

Except: What if he really didn’t rape here?