
The first Chris Pine Star Trek movie did this very well, even playing with the expectations, like when Bones said he liked Spock.

Yeah, this garbage is much better than The Grinder....he said while rolling his eyes completely backward into his skull, forever.

Wanted to love it. Hated it because 1. The “show” within the show was not funny. At all. 2. As with all things Sorkin, all the characters take themselves wayyyyyyy too seriously.

So, state school then.

Oh, Carnivale! What could have been...

Stephen Baldwin in The Usual Suspects?

Sky High? SKY HIGH?!

No surprise. Everyone knows boat shoes are terrible on a ‘trip.’

Too much salt.

we don't know what happened, though. We don't know if he actually thought they were having consentual sex, or if he thought, Well she's here naked, she must want it, and didn't care what she thought.

Well, wait. What kind of magic were native Americans supposed to be proficient in, then? Technological? Rowling can't win. How are native Americans being shit on?

What would happen if you tried carbon dating a transported antique?

No scholarships in the Ivy League.

Remember Duke lacrosse? Everyone was sure those guys were guilty. I don't think there should be any rush to judgment on either side of the equation.