Yes! I bought a pair of earrings shaped like deer that were my absolute favorites for so long.
Yes! I bought a pair of earrings shaped like deer that were my absolute favorites for so long.
Amanda Bynes had a clothing line ten years ago, so the move into fashion isn’t too much of a shock. What is a bit of a shock is that I wasn’t sure which one she was in the video still. She’s almost unrecognizable.
Since you can’t charge someone with ‘being a heinous bitch’ I guess ‘invasion of privacy’ will have to do. It’s too bad, though, as I feel like being a heinous bitch is the real problem here.
Samesies. I’m very, very sad. :(
My old company had that, and I ran an event space that was in use seven days a week, meaning I was lucky if I even got a “weekend,” I certainly wasn’t able to take vacation. When the space closed, I brought up all those days I never took (and all the weekends I worked through) to HR, expecting to get a decent payout.…
Happy to help. I’m glad to put my encyclopedic harry knowledge to use whenever possible.
Have you heard his new one, On the Loose? It’s such a late 80's bop, I love it.
In his defense, there was cake on that floor. He has had some epic falls, though. Harry Styles, human disaster.
I knew that was the poutine routine without even having to click play. Our dear Harold is a precious weirdo.
One time, I was in Italy with my boyfriend and men were catcalling me on the street. With my boyfriend! Right there!! I told him not to respond and just keep walking, but damn. That was a kind of brazenness I did not expect.
They do that on so many of these shows. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition always did that with kids rooms and it drove me crazy. Yes, he’s five and likes firetrucks, but he’s not going to want a firetruck bed when he’s 15!! Maybe not even when he’s 6! They always based rooms around some random thing the kid liked and…
Right? One of my favorite things to do is sing songs over other songs. Almost everything sounds like something else, so if this is all it takes, then yikes. Good luck, children. Sorry you had the misfortune of being born after so many songs had already been written.
It’s because he’s less fuckable. Anytime there’s an article mentioning Ed Sheeran, they are always peppered with negative remarks about his looks. I’m not sure if it’s one person writing them or several different writers, but the general tone is almost always “his music sucks because he’s weird looking.”
Yes! It has been so nice to see him appearing in higher profile things and finally receiving the recognition he has long deserved.