
And he played the slimy, creepy pedophile in Atonement. Loves a deviant, our Ben.

Someone posted this in another thread. It literally can't be posted too many times.

Yes, it's dyed on Sherlock. He's weirdly sort of ginger naturally, which I think is fitting, giving his general natural weirdness.

I can recite this poem now because I listened to this recording every night for weeks when I was struggling to sleep. I focused on the soothing rumble of his voice to relax my brain, and I didn't even realized I'd learned the words until it was quoted in a Jeopardy clue and I automatically said the next line.

Saw this on twitter the other day and just stared, slack jawed, at my phone like an idiot for several minutes. Thank you, Mr Bell. Thank you so very much.

Right? The makeup is so distracting. I guess that's a good thing, because when I went back and looked at the clothes, they were all terrible.

I can't believe this qualified as a "talent." It's a simple game that children frequently learn at summer camp. At least the version Pitch Perfect made famous actually matched the song being sung! The rhythm of Happy and the cups game do not match up at all!

He is phenomenal in a movie called Stuart: A Life Backwards. I went in for the Cumberbatch and stayed for the Hardy. I didn't even realize it was him until like 40 minutes in. Dude is unrecognizable and painfully good. It's like a rom-com but if the couple are two straight dudes coming from diametrically opposed life

This is the magic combo. I find dresses to be super comfortable, so a casual dress and some flats is pretty much always the way I travel. It's only slightly less comfortable than pajama pants but makes me both look and feel like a grown up human instead of a moody teen. I fly constantly, so it's begun to feel a bit

I lived in London for a few years too and whenever I'd visit my parents in the southern US, the accents would grate on my brain like crazy. It never really bothered me before then (we moved from the north when I was in high school), but after hearing English accents for so long, the southern accent was like nails on a

This is precisely how I am. I moved from the north to the south during high school and somehow picked up a handful of words that I now say with a southern accent. I lived in England for several years as well and have unintentionally held on to some of their verbal rhythms and phrases. No one can ever tell where I'm

I wish he could, though.

This gif is perfect.

There's already an all-Nutella restaurant in Brooklyn. It's called My Apartment.

I once had a sex dream about one of my TAs, but I forgot about it until I saw him in class the next day and it all came rushing back to me at terrifying speed. Even though I knew there was no way he could tell what was going through my mind, I was still so embarrassed. It was probably the most explicit sex dream I'd

Yes, Derek! I haven't watched the new season yet (because I don't think I'm in the right place to handle it emotionally), but the first season was so good and Ricky Gervais does an incredible job as Derek. I'm happy he was nominated, but the Jim Parsons win made the loss even more unjust.

I generally feel the same about Moffat (long suffering Doctor Who fan here), but I really appreciated that he said Mark Gatiss should have been up there with him in his acceptance speech. I was annoyed that they submitted a non-co-written episode for this very reason, so I was glad to see Gatiss get his due.

I feel like all the Sherlock wins this year were an example of what frequently happens with the Emmys- somehow voters miss something good for a few cycles and then realize their mistake and try to make up for it. I love Sherlock but this was by far its weakest season (although Martin and Ben are constantly great) and

So I know I'm in the gray so this probably won't be seen, but it should: Tom Hiddleston did the ALS ice bucket challenge and nominated Cumberbatch! Forget about the Biebs, this is a wet t-shirt I can definitely get behind.

I've never ever seen Avengers, but Hiddleston yelling "Loki'd!" is one of my favorite things.