
It's mentioned so briefly in the US trailer that it's still a bit hard to tell if it gets any more action than just that- a brief mention. And the UK trailer doesn't mention it at all! But someone else replied to me that he read the script and Turing's homosexuality (and its implications) is fully addressed, so

That makes me feel a lot better. It's a very significant part of his story that everything he did for his country wasn't enough to trump who he was. I look forward to seeing how it's handled in this film.

I'll be a bit disappointed if they merely touch on his homosexuality without really addressing it and its consequences. I understand this film is primarily about what he did for the war effort and not necessarily what happened to him afterwards, but what became of Alan Turing after the war is just as important as what

I don't even like cats but, man, I love that story. Yay for the kitty! Yay for you saving him!


I was on an international flight with Clint Dempsey, my all-time favorite US soccer player. The flight was delayed almost 8 hours, so we ended up spending a good amount of time hanging out in the terminal together. I was working on my Master's (in sport management), so he gave me a quote for my dissertation and put me

You are not the only one. Fan fic involving real people makes me super uncomfortable. It is not okay.

This has happened to me, as well. I realized it the other day when my mom asked me what I do all day (unemployed!). I responded, "Read, mostly," so she asked what book I was reading and I had to make something up. Because the book I'm reading is fan fiction.

I, too, have an embarrassing love for fan fiction that I will never but NEVER admit to in real life. There are some writers that are actually really, really talented and the stories really do feel like an extension of the show (with added love/sexytimes on occasion), and I have in the past read the entire works of an

The song starts around 2:50 in the second video. The video was supposed to start playing there, but it seems that I got kinja'd.

Now playing

I've got a Butch Walker twofer, because the only thing better than one Butch Walker song is two.

Thanksgiving is the worst time of year for food pictures. Everything is casseroles and stuff covered in breadcrumbs. My instagram feed was filled with what looked like a bunch of pictures of baked vomit. No thanks.

I have a friend whose real, honest to god, birth name is Scooter. When we first met, I asked if that was his real name (as I imagine everyone must), and his response was, "Obviously. Why would I call myself Scooter?" Why indeed.

I used to work for a hockey team, and my workday would always be ending as fans were arriving for the game, which meant that I would be the sole person walking towards the train station while everyone else was walking away from it. Dudes would always be a little drunk and not paying attention to where they were going,

I definitely had a sex dream about him last night. Waking up was such a disappointment.

I had to convince my doctor in the UK to give me a pelvic exam a few years ago. It was such a pain in the ass. It's done so rarely that no one (at my hospital, anyway) seemed to know what it was. "Pap smear?" "No, pelvic exam." "HPV test?" "NO! PELVIC EXAM!" They repeatedly sent me to the wrong places and I constantly

Is it weird that I kind of like the pelvic exam? I mean, I hate having to do it, but I like that every so often, someone takes a look around and gives me the all clear.

I met my ex in the elevator at work. I thought he was cute and nice, but I'd only just started working there and wasn't looking for anything, particularly a reputation as That Girl who dates her co-workers. We bumped into each other again that day in the kitchen and he laughed and laughed when I spilled hot chocolate

I love Dolly so much, but those dancing security guards were the best part!

WHAT. This is terrifying. I turned 30 a few months ago, and if my boobs get any bigger I will murder someone. NOT COOL, BODY.