YES. As a teen I rarely ever had any major acne issues, but as an adult, I now get exercise/sports bra-related breakouts on the regs. It's infuriating and I can't find a solution to it.
YES. As a teen I rarely ever had any major acne issues, but as an adult, I now get exercise/sports bra-related breakouts on the regs. It's infuriating and I can't find a solution to it.
I live in a... not great neighborhood, so I don't even walk to the store without headphones. I can see their mouths moving but I can't hear the words. Makes a huge difference!
I had the same issue with weight loss and boobs staying the same. I was so excited to try on smaller bras (to go with my smaller pants!), and was greatly disappointed to learn that the boobs had not decreased one iota. I had a reduction many moons ago, so they're not as oppressively massive as they used to be, but I…
While I completely agree with everything you said about Suarez, the picture tagged here is, in fact, of Sergio Ramos. Love the Ramos. Even his terrible crotch tattoo.
U-S-A! U-S-A! Miss you, Benny and Boca. U-S-A!
This World Cup has been so bloody. This plus two broken noses and a knockout. It's barely been a week!
All I can think of when I see that picture of Suarez (or any picture of Suarez, really) is Kenneth from 30 Rock having a bad donkey spell. "Watch out! I will bite you!"
This is equal parts thrilling and dispiriting. Do I seek it out and risk disappointment, or do I live with the breathtaking fantasy?
I'd like to live in this world with you if that's alright.
Guuuuhhhhhhh this picture. He looks like the most beautiful alien in all the galaxies.
With you all the way. Best not to believe any of it until you hear it straight from the horse's mouth. So to speak.
God, I wanna nail Martin Freeman.
Like when he went to lunch with an actress in NYC a few weeks ago and the headlines were all "BC's new girlfriend!!" Three days later, he announces he's in a movie with her. Whomp whomp.
I have recently been desperately wanting to see him having sex. Not like a love scene in a movie but like straight up porn. I feel bad about it, but also not bad. I am sad that it will never happen, though.
That's exactly what I thought! Quick, someone write a movie about constantly shirtless brothers!!
Everything about the Tom Hiddleston item is perfect. Every single word.
I read that Washington Post headline, and all I could say was, "Damn." No other response was possible, just a single damn followed by stunned silence.