There's room for all goths here!
AHHHHHHH! Gets me every time.
*GASP* Just yesterday I saw a photo of the Queer As Folk cast and thought to myself, "Where do I know that guy from?" BAELISH!!!
I remember that character distinctly for some reason, and I definitely would never have realized it was the same guy. The accent and facial hair make him a totally different man!
But boys have been doing that since the advent of photography. I may find this dress tacky and think Rihanna's nudity is played out, but boys pressuring girls to send naked pics isn't on her.
Nudity is old. It's not exciting. And it doesn't make you edgy or provocative. You're just naked.
Nope. I only do it to Australia. And I only started adding it about a year ago. Why, brain, why?!
I recently started adding an L to Australia (All-stralia). No idea why.
I guy I went to college with was actually named Scooter. Like his birth certificate says "Scooter" on it. Whenever someone asked if that was his real name, he would be like, "OBVIOUSLY. Why would I call myself Scooter?!"
I was terrified the first time I heard that fox sound. My flatmate thought it was hilarious. Silly American, thinking a fox is a child being murdered.
This is giving me horrible flashbacks. We had two foxes that would hang out in our back garden and just shriek all night. The first time it happened, I ran to my flatmate, thinking a child was being stabbed. "No, it's just the foxes." They're the cutest things I've ever despised.
I mentioned in another thread that I think the word "aliens" puts people off. If you ask someone "Do you think aliens are real?" odds are they'll picture something out of a movie, humanoid and hellbent on our destruction. But asking if they think it's possible life might exist on another planet, could result in a very…
Agreed! I think the term "aliens" tends to immediately put people off because they picture little green men out to destroy the earth. But some form of life on another planet? How anyone can unequivocally deny the potential for life to exist elsewhere in the entire universe boggles my mind. The arrogance is astounding.
He was my favorite, too. When he came out, my mom called me and went, "Well, we really should have seen that coming."
He really, really does. He fits all of our wonderful, if mildly condescending, Canadian stereotypes. Plus I love to watch him get frustrated with homeowners. He controls it so well, you just know those demos are his catharsis.
Fair enough. Definitely watch it again if you can. Scott's just such a little darling, and it's wonderful to watch his face when he gets frustrated with home owners. You can see him controlling his rage and it's glorious. Plus the apartments he creates are insane. The fact that he makes basements not only habitable…
LOL at the use of the word 'subtlety' in a post about a see-through dress.