
"Why the hell does everything have to be authentic to be good?" BINGO. Olive Garden is delicious. I went to Rome last year and ate some incredible food in authentic Italian restaurants (off the beaten path! not in touristy areas! etc), and you know what? I still really like Olive Garden. My ex-boyfriend is Italian and

I wrote for the music section of our college paper when I was a sophomore, and let me tell you what, college music critics are the snobbiest of the snobs. For the first semester, I was intimidated by their hipness and felt the need to balance every "uncool" thing I liked by saying how awesome some boring, sleepy indie

"Forget me not" is solid. Two enthusiastic thumbs up!

They have them in Britain, too, and they are unreal. Mmm, I miss them.

Kroger already has them!! If you're lucky enough to have Kroger wherever you are, they've had little displays if Reese's Eggs and Cadbury Eggs. I believe they were buy 2, get 1 free! Easter candy is seriously the best.

For real. There is so much judgement and SO MANY assumptions being made by people in this thread. Yikes.

Yeah, that's a bit snobby. My oldest sister got her dress and our bridesmaids dresses through David's Bridal. She and her now husband are both lawyers, so they are definitely people "of means," but her bridesmaids were based all over the country, so a fancypants boutique was out of the question because it would be too

I didn't have a Valentine until I was 28. I never cared that much about Valentine's Day, and neither did he, but because I'd never had a Valentine before, he made it the best day ever (he made dinner, gave me flowers, and we went to the zoo and played with penguins!! Penguins!!!!). Unfortunately I had to move away

The weird thing for me was that I found him suddenly incredibly attractive the minute he walked into Cafe Grumpy to complain about his trash cans, so before we even saw him being a nice grownup to Hannah. But he definitely got even hotter as the episode went on, and I think that was certainly because of what you and

Maybe that was part of it for me, too. Like you, I'm 6-10 years older than the characters, and most of the guys on the show just make me roll my eyes at how immature and gross they can be. So Joshua* was like a breath of fresh, adult, has-his-shit-together air. Regardless, he is crazy hot and I want to do filthy,

It's on Hulu, I believe. I was never really into Fresh Meat, but she was in Misfits for a bit, as well, which I loved. Also on Hulu!

I was always aware that he was attractive, but he never did anything for me. Until this episode of Girls. And not even because of all the sexy stuff. In the preview of this episode last week, I thought to myself, "Oh yeah, that guy. He's handsome." And then literally the moment he walked into Grumpy's, I was like,

What a great program! I used to read to my dog all the time in high school. When I had to read a book for school that I didn't like (which was constantly, because I hated everything I was told to read in school, even though I'd probably enjoy them now), I'd sit with him and read it out loud. Poor thing had to listen

I agree that what this article is actually about is a guilty pleasure, not a hate-watch. I hate-watch Glee because it was an incredible show when it first started, and I have never given up hope that one day it might be good again, but for now I genuinely hate it.

That's kind of how I was. I LOVED science, particularly anything space-related, and I really wanted to work at NASA and be an astronaut. I have really terrible vision, and I must have read/saw on television something that said you had to have 20/20 to be an astronaut. My 12 year old brain was like "Whelp, that's it

I am totally with you. Reading this article, all I could think of was how ridiculous it sounded, and how surely these frequent apologizers are in the minority. I immediately scrolled to the comments to find others who felt similarly, and couldn't believe all of the "I do this all the time!" comments. Yours is the

I almost always say 'That's okay, it's not your fault," in response to someone saying "I'm sorry" as an expression of empathy. Usually as a bit of a joke, because that's how I deal with sad things, but also as a way to kind of say, "It's alright, you don't need to feel bad for me." It's not because I'm a stupid,

A guy I used to date was a pharmaceutical lobbyist, and he is the prettiest person I've ever met. Also incredibly (annoyingly) smart, but I don't think it was his brain that made him so successful at that job.

And I can think of one or two episodes where she suddenly says "I forgot to eat today!" And the one where she gives blood and doesn't have enough time to eat so she starts seeing Tracy's little blue man everywhere. So yeah, I chalk it up to the same thing. You can eat primarily crap and stay fairly thin ("not New York