
Jonathan Creek!!! I had never heard of that show until about 2 years ago, when I started seeing a guy that loved it growing up and made me watch a couple episodes. I went along with it because I love Alan Davies on QI, and thank goodness I did! What a fun show that was. Although it drove me a little crazy that the

I wondered that, too! It was so distracting. I, like you, kept wondering if I had missed a green screen joke. It was really poorly done and obvious.

I have two! At the same job! It wasn't a pretty person job (I was a cashier at a record store), but apparently one of the three hiring managers was notorious for only hiring "pretty" girls. This came up in a conversation with other people that worked there, and one guy said "Well that explains how you got hired."

I never dreamt about my boyfriend while we were together, but as soon as we broke up? Almost every night he'd show up. Super annoying!

I'll definitely agree with that, although Seinfeld had its parade of guest stars, so it at least FELT like a finale, even if it wasn't their best episode.

I was hoping for Wesley Snipes! I wanted to see if he'd solved his residency issue and if he'd ask one more time for Liz to be his settling soulmate.

I wonder if the previous episode hadn't existed if I would have received this finale better? I think I would have. Because it's still a funny, great episode, but it loses something when viewed next to the one that aired a week earlier.

AHHHH, how annoying! I can only imagine how infuriated I'd've been by that. I'd love to know what you think once you've actually HEARD the entire episode! I thought it was really funny and enjoyable as an episode, but disappointed purely as a finale.

It's a little unclear in my original post, but I did really enjoy the episode, as an episode. When viewed as a series finale is when it falls a bit flat for me. I still felt it was really funny (and that bit from Jenna when she addresses the cameraahh about Mickey Rourke and Liz looks over her shoulder to see who

Wonderfalls was such a brilliant show. It didn't stand a chance on network tv, though. It was just too weird. But boy did I love it.

Am I the only one who was a bit disappointed with the finale? I felt like last week's episode was perfect and should have been the last one. The actual finale felt really tacked-on and unnecessary to me, like the 150th episode of TGS. It's still on my DVR, so I'll watch again to see if I maybe missed some crucial

I just wanted to agree with you about the cat thing. For some reason, when something bad happens to a human character, I feel for them (or in the case of this movie, am horrified and nauseated), but when harm comes to animal?! I can. Not. Take it. A step too far, movie people. A step too far.

I haven't seen the Swedish movies so I can't compare the US version to anything, but I really enjoyed it, even though I went into it expecting the opposite. I'd heard mostly about the sexual violence and how dark it was, which aren't two things I usually go for in a movie (honestly, I watched it for Daniel Craig), but

My ex-boyfriend once said to me, apropos of nothing, "You're like a combination of Liz Lemon, the bird off Parks & Rec [Leslie], and Kenneth."

After ten sexually active years, I assumed that I couldn't do it, and then, the second or third time I had sex with my most recent boyfriend, I did. I don't really know what he did differently than previous partners, but suddenly, there it was. And it happened multiple times, every time we slept together. I haven't

Love is the Devil: Study for a A Portrait of Francis [I almost wrote Kevin] Bacon. I'm going through a real serious Daniel Craig phase right now, and a long shot of his nude, supine form in the bathtub was an unexpected treat.

Reaganing is phenomenal, I forgot about that one on my list.

Now playing

I like anything that has an obvious-parody joke, so my favorites are The Tuxedo Begins, which ends up being a spectacular Batman story and Episode 210, when Liz gets dumped by the co-op board of the apartment she's trying to buy, and she repeatedly drunk dials them. "I bought a bunch of other apartments. I bought a

SERIOUSLY. I had to wear a legit non-training bra starting in 3rd grade and had fully developed boobs (like those of an 'average' 16 or 17 year old, I don't remember the size) by about 5th grade. They only got bigger from there, and people constantly thought I was significantly older than I was. As much as I hated