
The Monkees were the first concert I ever went to as a tiny, tiny child. Maybe that's why I love pop music (and specifically boy bands) as much as I do? I think you've inadvertently caused me to have an epiphany.

Yes! Embrace the joy cheesy pop music engenders!

Oh I do, all the time. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

I love One Direction. I'm 29. No shame, people. No shame.

I meant niche to refer to Community, but I see now I didn't word it very clearly. Although you could probably argue that Doctor Who IS niche in America; just because it's famous doesn't mean people watch it.

I LOVE Community for so many reasons, one of which is how weird and reference-y it is. However, I completely understand how that could turn people off. For example, Doctor Who is one of my most favorite shows ever, but if I'd never seen it, I imagine the amount of time Community devotes to Inspector Space-Time would

Totally. Censorship in America is ridiculous. I lived in England for two years, and for roughly the first six months I was caught off guard and a little uncomfortable when I heard "fuck" in a tv show (not because I was offended, just because my immediate reaction was "Gasp! How did THAT get through? Someone's getting

That's how my mom is, too. She was 12 when they first got big in the States, so the perfect age to be crazy obsessed with them, and she still hates Yoko for breaking them up. I worked with Yoko a few years ago for a museum exhibit, and she was extremely kind and generous to everyone, all the way down to the kids

Me, too! I hate the way it sounds in my ears (or my mind, if I'm reading). All those hard consonants so close together. It's just a gross sound.

There have been lots of responses basically saying that your experience was wrong (isn't that always exciting, to find out that something that actually happened to you has no truth to it?), but I will side with you on this one. My one bit of anecdata is a guy I dated for a short period of time, who felt the need to

I did, yeah. It's weird because I get really sad now when I see commercials about kids and their parents. I feel like I'm mourning the kids I don't get to have, but I still don't want any others. Like I wanted OUR kids, the specific ones he and I would make and raise together. It's possible I'll meet some other

I just bought several of OPI's Skyfall collection because I finally found a partial collection on ebay for a decent price. I wanted a number of the colors since I first saw an add for it in October but, like you, I am almost never willing to pay full price for anything over $5. I've only recently started checking Ulta

You should definitely tell him, but also tell him that your mind could totally change. I was/am in the No Kids Ever camp, but I'd always thought that I'd know when I'd met The One because I'd want to have kids with him. So I was always open to the possibility of my mind changing, but I didn't think it would. A year

I am very, very much like you in that I won't spend over a certain amount for nail polish, despite my insane love for it. (I don't know how many polishes I have, but I moved to England two years ago and only brought my 5 most favorite colors, and by the time I moved back to the States, I had amassed more than 100

It's funny because, at the time, I didn't feel very threatened or scared, I mostly felt annoyed and angry that this guy was ruining what had been an otherwise fun weekend with my friend. In retrospect, I see how threatening the situation actually was, and I'm incredibly lucky he didn't try to push things any further.

I lived in the UK for 2 years and had no problems, ever. Actually, that's not true. I had a friend from Turkey try to pull me into a cab with him when he was drunk one time (but only the one time, he learned his lesson after that). And when I studied abroad years earlier, a man GOT OFF A BUS in the middle of the day

Oh man, yes. I studied abroad in England during college but visited a girlfriend in Italy for a weekend. We went out to a club (the saddest club I've ever seen, they played remixes of Frosty the Snowman and Dueling Banjos, no joke) one night with her roommate and two of their (Italian) guy friends. Everyone came back

Agreed times a million. I love this show, and it's because I love seeing people overcome something that they've struggled with for so long. I get super psyched for everyone on the show when they talk about how they feel good about themselves and are much stronger than they used to be. It makes me happy to see their

It's funny how some people are naturally good at this and others aren't. I went to college in NYC, so my friends and I became masters of Divide and Conquer, to the point where we didn't even have to say anything, we just recognized when it was necessary and met up on the other side, seamlessly. I recently moved

I feel you on this whole thing, especially the not self-aware SO. My ex-boyfriend was like that, and it made me crazy. We went to Rome on holiday, and he would always stop at the top of the stairs when we'd exit the underground station, back up into people while he was trying to photograph something, or suddenly stop,