
Someone below pointed out to me that religion - while theoretically something about themselves a person can change - is something they shouldn’t have to change in order to receive the full protection of the law, and should therefore be considered immutable for legal purposes. I feel the same reasoning applies to

But you the oceans has spirit and energy. Just because you don’t feel the consent....or something. I don't know.

The Black people who support trump are the same types who voted Hillary over Bernie. Name recognition voters.

Yeah, the “refreshing air” thing was basically the reasoning Medgar Evers’ brother gave for supporting him. Still...

Thanks for posting this and it is pretty spot on in my experiences. My grandmother is from Cuba and until Obama she and her family were fairly Republican. She has since changed on her views, and even wrote a letter to Sean Hannity to ask why he was so mean to Obama. This is from a woman who herself was racist towards

We don’t hear enough about internal divisions within Latino communities (or the African American community). At the very best, in terms of voters, we seem to erroneously separate the Latino community into “Cubans” (historically have voted republican—although that is changing) and “Other” (increasingly trend majority

I can’t really understand the average person of colour supporting him (except maybe they hate Hillary and Bernie and the Democrats so much, they’re willing to make this horrible mistake), but I can see some celebrities of colour, so far removed from the everyday struggles of people who are otherwise like them,

He makes them think it's a con they were smart enough to be in on, so they think they can tell when he lies.

I don’t know what “type of Mexicans” your family is, but... yeah, they are they type of Mexicans he hates. You know, the Mexican type.

The one-fifth African-American support seems too high to me. Last poll I saw had Clinton winning 88 percent of AA vote and 68 percent of the Hispanic vote. That’s a little less than what Obama won in 2012, but not by much. And, of course, Clinton hasn’t officially won the primary yet. I suspect that when the final

Let’s both try to not be ruled by fear. We will not be fueled by the same thing that fuels them.

He scares us all for all sorts of reasons. The thought of my daughter having to live through the aftermath of a Trump presidency, if she does live through it...

That’s true for everywhere. Let’s hope that there’s more of us than them.

To paraphrase a famous film, Indiana would be a great place if it wasn’t for the fucking people.

I’m scared.

Would it change your mind if I told you that he’s one of at least two neighbors who support Trump with a sign in their yard?

I’m not sure if that’s better than the new neighbors I have that we all suspect to be drug dealers.

A Mexican coworker of mine said his dad supports Trump and he is baffled. It seems to come down to things like abortion (Catholics just love the baybeez) and the swagger.

Within my own family (yes I’m related to Mexicans that are voting for Trump) it tends to be a “well I’m not the type of Mexican he hates” so there you go.